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Apple Butter

Started by jiggerjams, November 10, 2013, 11:40:57 AM

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Hey troops! Anyone make it? How do you know when it is done? I understand to heap a spoonful on a plate and look for water separation but can you tell by looking at the pot if I am close?

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Wish I could help more. I think it is supposed to coat the back of a spoon
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Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


A small bit spooned onto a chilled (in the freezer) plate will be thick, not runny.
Bradley 4 rack Digital, 900 watt, Auber PID
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Too thick?  if the apple butter cooks down too much or is too thick for your liking, just add a little bit of apple juice and blend it in.

Not thick enough? Just let it cook some more, with the lid off so the steam can escape!


Thanks so much boys!

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Another trick I learned is to have a large loaf of French bread hot out of the oven near by. That way if it's to thick or to thin you just smear it all over the bread and eat the evidence !  ;D

Saber 4

Quote from: iceman on November 12, 2013, 11:20:56 AM
Another trick I learned is to have a large loaf of French bread hot out of the oven near by. That way if it's to thick or to thin you just smear it all over the bread and eat the evidence !  ;D

I likes the way you thinks :D


I always look at how it coats the spoon.   

Second test is the chilled plate.

Third test is can I get it canned before everyone eats it.  :o

Also...   I used to do the pot watch and stir thing.  This year I put it all in a corckpot and let it simmer on low for 8hours.   Way less work and worry about scorching and no dicernable difference in taste or asthetics.



My in-laws church makes it every year by hand over a wood fire.  Crockpot is a good idea


All worked out. Thank you. According to recipe I ended up with a third more than I should have. Would have been too sweet if I did in my opinion. Cheers!

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