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Started by BATMAN, June 10, 2006, 03:58:50 PM

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Hi everyone,
   My name is "Batman" and I bought my BS about two weeks ago and I been trying and testing all types of things (including cheese).  However, I wanted to start small and tried some of the recipes on this site and they all came out good.  Last night, I made some buffalo jerky and my youngest loved it.  It took me a while to fine tune the jerky, but the last batch (3rd)was the way I wanted it and I wrote it down for future reference. 

Today, I'm going for the gusto and doing two slabs of beef ribs (the family's favorite).  The BS was pre-heated a hour prior and the vent is 1/4 open (so smoke won't back up into the generator). I'm using "five chinese spices" seasoning, raw sugar (Turbinado) and a sprinkle of apple juice as the rub.  Apple juice was added to the BS bowl (instead of water) to tenderized the ribs some more.  I will smoke (with apple and cherry) and cook these between the temps of 195-205; normally I would go for a temp of 225, but I'm in no rush and don't want the sugar to burn.  I'll let you know how they come out.




Welcome to the forum. Lots of good stuff here and pointers to receipes. Let us know how your stuff turns out.



No problem.....Right now it's 6:00 PM (Pacific time) and my temp is at 200 degrees.  I looked at my beef ribs from the vent and it's looking very good.  In about a hour, I will rotate the racks (3) so the bottom rack of beef ribs won't burn/dry out.  I will also check the bowl and add more apple juice (hot) if needed.  Thanks!



Good evening Arcs_N_Sparks,
   Those smoked beef ribs are done and mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn  they are looking and tasting real good :).  The meat just comes off the bone and it's so juicy.  My kids are stealing pieces behind my back.  I have pictures on my desktop and when I find out how to post them, they will be put on the site.

Take care and thanks,




Always glad to hear about a great outcome. Oldman has posted several times on how to post pictures. One usually has to dump them to a hosting site (like here: http://www.imagecave.com/), then use the e-mail tool bar to link to the URL. If you search, I am sure you will find it.



Morning arcs_n_sparks,
   Thanks for the information on how to place pictures on this site.  Here is the URL site where the pictures are located (let me know if you have problems):


As I mentioned, the beef ribs were great and were smoked/cooked for over 6 hours between the temps of 195-205 degrees.  We ate half of the beef ribs and will have the rest for dinner tonight  ;D.

Take care and thanks again,



Man those look gooooooood :P :P :P.  Welcome aboard ;).
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.


Good afternoon Big Smoker,
   Thanks and now I'm ready to move up on the meat scale.  I believe I might try a brisket (point) next weekend.  I normally go to a high-end supermarket and place my meat orders and cuts a few days in advance.  However when I do get the price, it's usually the same as the other supermarkets with better quality.

Take care,



bat... i showed my wench yourn photos and now my assignment for next weekend is beef ribbs...

yous gotts to eat...

i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...



Which side of the country are you on?
