Need idea(s) on how to make pucks

Started by goaf1968, December 19, 2013, 06:06:08 PM

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I have access to a [bunch] of dry red oak shavings and would very much like to find out if anyone has come up with a way to make their own pucks. I know using shavings on their own is easy, but doing things the easy way just isn't a challenge. I would really appreciate any input (written, photos, video - smoke signals, etc.) you could offer.

Terry - in Northern Delaware (70 degrees expected on Dec 21st - you bet I'm cranking up the smoker!)


haven't tried to make pucks yet, though the links below may be of some help to you... take a look and give it  some thought

Saber 4

I've never done that but I do remember seeing some old posts on how people did, so I would suggest doing some searching here on the forum something should pop up.

Habanero Smoker

Hi Terry;

Welcome to the forum.

If you do a search on this forum, you will find a few members have mad there own bisquettes.
