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Bradley vs Cookshack

Started by Andy, July 07, 2004, 05:24:13 PM

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I have been looking at smokers and have come down to two of them that look and seem pretty good.   I have noticed the Cookshack Smokette is twice the weight of the Bradley.   Can anyone give me some feedback as to if you have ever used the cookshack smoker and how it compares to the Bradley.  Both seem to be good products.

I read this forum and the cookshack forum....first post on either one.  The Cookshack people seem to beat up on the Bradley for its poor constuction and temp problems. They also talk about having to buy the biscuits from Bradley...but I do not see that as a problem since I probably have to buy wood for the Cookshack somewhere also.

Any comments would be greatly appriciated.



These are just my observations, take them for what they are worth.

The main difference between the two will be the smoke generators.  The smoke shack you will have to weigh the amount wood you will use and I beleive the smoke is generated at higher temp.  The BS will use pucks of wood that will give you a more steady rate of smoke that is generated at a lower temp thus being (I think) more desirable. At looking at both, I do think the BS will be easier, giveing you a more enjoyable experiance.  Using the BS is just plain easy, easy to use and clean up thus me having more fun.  I can't say I have produced one bad meal out of the BS.  I average 3 out of 4 weekends of use.  I never had a second thought in my purchase of the BS. Good Luck and have fun.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...

Cold Smoke

Hi Andy- I've perused the Cookshack site and the Bradley site prior to buying and both seem to have their supporters. What I like about the Bradley is no need to weigh chunks of wood- load the amount of Bradley bisquettes you want and it'll continuously feed on its own. I does not appear with the competitor's model that you can control the moisture levels (no vent)- they mention to leave the door open a crack if you want to let the moisture escape. Does that increase cooking time[?] I'm not sure. The Bradley does have a vent on top that's easy to use. I noticed that those who smoke yardbirds/gobblers (chicken/turkey)with the Cookshack model end up with unpleasant/unedible rubbery skin on their poultry-likely due to inability to control moisture buildup within the unit- some on their site suggest to broil the bird in the oven to crisp up the skin to make more palatable. I've found that any poultry I've done in the Bradley comes out beautifully- nice crisp skin- DELICIOUS even. I love my birds in the Bradley. The Bradley is very light to move around- I can easily pick it up and move from garage to deck and back again without the use of a dolley and good chiropractor. The Bradley is easy to clean -no need to foil the wood burner/smoker and deal with sticking a tray underneath the unit to catch the juices.
Finally, the bisquettes from Bradley are cheap. Someone here on this forum calculated that it costs about a buck an hour to smoke with this unit. So unless your back yard is filled with dry apple, pecan, hickory, maple and oak trees....you get the picture.

I'm by no means trying to bash their product- simply putting out some pros and cons for you to consider.

Here's my 2 cents for what it's worth- IMHO- you won't be disappointed with the Bradley- it's a top-of-the-line unit.

Happy smoking!

Cold Smoke


One main question I have is the sturdiness of the construction.  What is the box made out of?  The cookshack is 12 and 18 gage steel.

I like the fact you can mix wood types pretty easily in the bradley....I am not sure which one has more capacity...but am not sure I will ever fill either anyway.

I guess my pluses for the Bradley is the ease of use, mixing types of woods and the feeder system...cold or hot smoking easier.  Strengths for the cookshack is sturdy construction...better temp control and better heat control.  Getting the wood to me is irrelevent since I can go to HD or Walmart and get wood pellets or chunks.

Copper Creek

Hello Andy:

I bought a conventional wood smoker once.  It sat on my patio for one year and I never used it.  I always seemed to put it off because of the hassle.  I finally sold it in a garage sale and took a loss.  

I suppose I didn't learn my lesson because I decided I still wanted a smoker.  I then did some careful research and bought the Bradley.  That has been one of the best decisions I've ever made.  I wanted something that was hassle free.  I wanted to be able to smoke and enjoy other things going on around me.  It is so easy to operate.  There is absolutely no hassle with preparation, cooking or clean up.  Now I love using it and use it regularly.  So far, I have had no problem with heat control.  The construction is plenty sturdy.  After all... what the heck do you intend to do with it?  It will certainly hold up to smoking and cooking.  It is lightweight and that's a big plus in my mind.  It is so easy to move around.

I too am in no way bashing the other products.  I'm sure most smokers are worth what you pay for them.  But in my mind the Bradley has to be the best value and the most foolproof unit on the market.[:D][:D]

Copper Creek

"Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all."


Keep in mind the CS claims no slow smoking option unless you get into the commercial models and they are mucho bucks! Do you want traditional jerky? Fish? The nod goes easily to the BS.

The CS is a more expensive investment although there is no doubt wood chunks are less expensive than the BS bisquettes.

After my initial problems with my BS, I could not be happier. I'll GLADLY spend a little more for the bisquettes and insure a near flawless result as this is indeed the beauty of the BS system.

On the other hand, all I need is another hobby!...[^]...but it taste SOOOOOOO good![:D]

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