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D.B.S. or O.B.S.????

Started by Bones22, March 06, 2014, 11:56:07 AM

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I am just about to buy my first Bradley. Initial thoughts were the digital. But. After looking at how some have modified their smokers I would hate to spend an extra £100 (that's 150 bucks) on a digital over an original then find I disconnect the digital to put in an extra element and temp. control in a years time. Wish I was paying US prices!!!
Advice appreciated please.


I have the OBS and have been completely happy with it.  I live in decent climate so rarely if ever have to cold to smoke issues.  I did buy a PID but found I wasn't using it much and made a trade for it.  I just wish it came in a 6 rack.  Others that have one or the other will give opinions on why they like theirs...some have both. Come back and share what you decided on.


I have had the OBS for about eight years now and absolutely love it.  It has done its job for me without any modifications.  HOWEVER I am patiently waiting for the mailman to arrive with my new DBS!  For what I use it for, I think being able to set it and not worry about dealing with the slide on the OBS will be much more easier.  This is all null and void of course if you wanna make your own modifications though on your OBS.  Whatever you choose you will absolutely love it! Good luck


I have the OBS and have a PID for tighter temp controls. If I had it to do over again I would do the exact same thing. My slider face plate has been cracked for years, and now the knob is broke off because it recently got bumped. Since it is just barely off of full on the PID takes care of temp control. Still working great. It is going on 8 years old.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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I bought a six rack.  It came with a digital controller/smoker generator.   ;)  Otherwise, I'd probably buy an OBS and save some money.


Quote from: Wildcat on March 06, 2014, 12:53:54 PM
I have the OBS and have a PID for tighter temp controls. If I had it to do over again I would do the exact same thing. My slider face plate has been cracked for years, and now the knob is broke off because it recently got bumped. Since it is just barely off of full on the PID takes care of temp control. Still working great. It is going on 8 years old.

Same deal here, exactly.  Only mine is 6 years old.


You'll love either one......modified or stock.

I have the OBS and have done a few mods but have loved everything that has come off of it, before and after the mods.

I will say the PID and a bigger element have made a huge improvement in heat up and recovery times.

Saber 4

I have the digital 4 rack and love it stock, but I think you will be happy with whatever model you get. I'm just getting into sausage and may have to switch to a PID but I am going to try to manage with a water bath after the smoke phase as long as possible to not have to do mods.


 :) Thanks everyone for great advice. I've done indirect heat smoking with charcoal and gas bbq's but on long cooks they need a lot of attention. So I think I'll go with the digital 4 rack so I can set and forget. Then if I find need more cooking space or whatever I'll get an original and modify it as many have done but can still cook with the digital while I sort out the mods. I might have a lot more questions to come. This is a great forum and thanks again  :)


I have the digital 4 rack. It's stock. I love it. If I have element problems, then I may start upgrading stuff. But not till then.