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Back In the Saddle after 10 Months. (With new toys)

Started by CoreyMac, March 13, 2014, 07:35:45 AM

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It been almost 10 months since I posted last, been really busy at work. Being self employed tends to really suck the free time up. I have been trying to see what everybody else is doing, some excellent things going on here. I recently picked up a dual probe PID and a Rival 22QT roaster. After all the people on here using this equipment with great results it seemed a no brainer.  I hooked up the PID last night and gave it a test drive, wow what was I waiting for!! 

I put this in the sausage section because I plan to break in the new equipment this weekend with a load of summer sausage. I'll keep the board posted with pics as thing happen.

I hope I can wait until the weekend, wow this smoking hobby really does take over your life!!


Saber 4

Glad to see you back, can't wait to see what you create with the new toys



Really cheating here, hope I don't get to much grief from you guys for not grinding whole meat  :D. I get this stuff from the wholesale warehouse and the fat content is almost perfect, saves me a huge amount of time. Here is what I brought out this morning to thaw out, 4 lbs of pork, 4 lbs of beef. Medium grind. More later... ;D


Don't feel bad Corey. It's been a while since I have ground any beef for my snack sticks.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!

Saber 4

At the current price of whole muscle meats we all may be doing it your way soon.


Update: Casings soaking
3 1/2" fibrous from the sausage maker

Getting the first end tied off ready for stuffing

Going the easy way again, sausage maker blend,soy concentrate and cure 1

All mixed and ready for the stuffer

Found some really cool suction cup feet you guys with nice counter tops may be interested in. Sure saves screwing and clamping boards.

Done stuffing and hanging in the cold room/basement bathroom untill the morning.

Ready for morning and into the bradley for some smokin

More to come...

Saber 4


The chubs are now into the smoker for 1.5 hrs drying and then 5 hrs of Hickory. I prefer a heavy smoke taste so the hickory's sharpness will suit the bill nicely.

I went with the 3 1/2" fibrous casing as per the recipe but in now I'm thinking I'll go with a smaller size next time. Probably something more in the 2 1/2" range. these are a little big. I'm poaching after so it should save me from a real long session.



After 5 hrs of Hick.

Into the bath.

Out of the case.

Money shot (as its called)

I got some water under the case so it wasn't a win here. But it was a learning curve. I needed a smaller case. Plus the beef /pork preground did have a bit too much fat. I also think it came out of the bradley with too cold an inside temp, so when it went into the water the fat got a little soft on the surface of the meat.

I'm a little rusty it would seem.





How long did they take in the water?  Was your water temp 170?  I've been interested in doing some larger diameter smokes.


Quote from: Pic-N-Stick on March 16, 2014, 10:52:59 AM
How long did they take in the water?  Was your water temp 170?  I've been interested in doing some larger diameter smokes.

Taste was very good. I made sure the water was around 160. The large diameter is nice I just takes a long time. I rushed a bit and have a few minor issues.



Corey,If it smells good and it tastes good we all win.lol.Thanks for taking the time to show us.
If your looking back at the things you missed,You won't know what hit you.