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About to buy but have a few questions....

Started by SeanB, July 23, 2006, 05:41:31 PM

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Hi all,

I've been lurking for about two weeks now on both the Cookshack and the Bradley forums trying to decide which to buy.

Obviously I've decided on the Bradley, mainly because of all of the great posters here.

I have been smoking for about 4 years on a WSM and have had great luck with it and actually won a contest or two in my local area but like a lot of you am tired of all the pre-smoke planning and preparing necessary with a charcoal smoker.

Please help by answering a few questions.

1.  I cannot decide which size to get, the 4 rack or the 6 rack.  I like to smoke ribs the most with pork butts and briskets a close second.  Typically I cook for about 7 to 10 people at a time and question whether or not the 4 rack will do enough to feed that many.  Can someone give me an idea of how many racks of baby-backs or pork butts/briskets I can fit in a 4 rack and a 6 rack model?

2.  I have to admit, the PID and the fan additions intrigue me immensely as I'm a gadget freak.  Does the digital model come close to working as well on heat stabilization as the homemade PID and Fan modified originals?  If not, will someone please help me with my own PID and Fan build?    ;D

3.  The scratch and dents sure seem to be a great deal on Chez Bubbas site.  Can anyone tell me how badly they are scratched and dented?  ???

Thanks in advance, I will be purchasing from Chez Bubba as soon as I get some answers.




Welcome to the heat and smoke here... 8) 8) 8)

You ask good questions. Unfortunately, I suspect not many members have all the combinations and permutations you refer to as points of comparison. I have the four rack S.S. model with a home brew PID controller. Very happy. Mostly do butts and sausage, so I cannot help you on the rib question.

It appears a number of members have hot-wired commercial PID controllers to their units easily. Depends on your skills. Also, the experience base on the digital units is growing, but relatively new.

I am sure others will weigh in as they read your questions...



Quote1.  I cannot decide which size to get, the 4 rack or the 6 rack.  I like to smoke ribs the most with pork butts and briskets a close second.  Typically I cook for about 7 to 10 people at a time and question whether or not the 4 rack will do enough to feed that many.  Can someone give me an idea of how many racks of baby-backs or pork butts/briskets I can fit in a 4 rack and a 6 rack model?

I have the 4 rack model and have never had a problem with not having enough room.  I've had 3 pork butts in there at once and still had enough room to throw in some bacon and wings.  With ribs, you may need to trim them down to fit on the racks but again, i was able to get enough in there to feed 10 hungry people during the super bowl.

Quote3.  The scratch and dents sure seem to be a great deal on Chez Bubbas site.  Can anyone tell me how badly they are scratched and dented?

I also purchased a scratch and dent from Kirk and trust me, if the scratches/dents compromised the working order of the unit...he would not be selling it to anyone.  Mine had a small puncture (nail size) on the outer box that came about during shipping.  It didn't pierce the inner unit and have never had any issues.

#2...i don't have much experience with but i'm sure someone else can lend some advice.