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Peanuts n Almonds

Started by AllDayFoodie, September 27, 2014, 01:12:36 PM

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So I got 2 pounds of raw unsalted peanuts and a pound of raw almonds. The wife is on a health kick so after soaking she just sprayed a little Braggs amino on the almonds. For the peanuts I tried two different rubs splitting the two pounds. I got John Henry's cherry chipotle rub for one rack, and John Henry's sugar maple for the other. I'm going 225 for 1.5 on cherry. We'll see how they do. I've read that they may have to rest for a few days so I'm prepared for that.





So the almonds and the batch of cherry chipotle peanuts came out great! I made the mistake of putting the sugar maple on the bottom rack and the sugar burned. Lesson learned!