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Snack Sticks

Started by Midnite Stalk3r, October 05, 2014, 06:53:02 AM

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Midnite Stalk3r

Hey guys,

So I am going to make a batch of ground beef snack sticks tomorrow, 2 hrs smoke then into the dehydrator to finish.

I have two questions....

How can I get them a little saltier, can I simply add a salt to the mix or add a bit more cure?

I know that it's best to keep the sticks refrigerated so the don't spoil as quick, but is there another way to prolong the shelf life??



I would not suggest adding any more cure.  The ratio is there for health and safety reasons.  I would simply add more salt to the mix.

Vac sealing may assist in shelf life.  Others much more qualified than me will come along with good information.



I dont frequent this site much anymore due to some folks who are certified know it all's and holier than thou type. But a friend asked me to come help some.


If you added the right amount of cure for the poundage of meat your making/ dont add anymore. If you think the mix is not as salty for your taste then add salt to your taste. If to salty a tad of sugar will take care of that.

As far as shelf life i will say this. Do not store your sticks, jerky and the like in a zip lock bag. Zip locks create moisture and will rapidly spoil your sticks.

If you vac seal your stick you can have shelf stable packs (unopened) for 1 month. Once you open the vac bag this lowers the shelf life and must be kept in a fridge safely for 1 week. If you wish to vac seal and freeze you can for 1 year (you may loose some flavor here)

Now dry cure sausage/salami is a different story, but first master the smoked sausage before you go into a cure 2 product.

Hope this helps some and i'm sure you may get a PM saying this is BS.


Midnite Stalk3r

Thanks Ky!

Thanks Nepa (I appreciate you coming out of retirement...hahahaha)


Just want to add....once I was sending Jerky to my son stationed in Afghanistan, I found out from NEPA I could use Potassium Sorbate to spray on it prior to vacuum sealing. It is used to inhibit molds, yeasts, and fungi in many foods.  I bought it and a food safe spray bottle from Allied Kenco.  My son never refridgerated it.


sorry midnight that I have nothing to add but I do need to comment on Nepa's post. I certainly for one hope you never leave and I for one always take your comments and insight with the highest regard. Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing from you often.
Take a kid fishing

Midnite Stalk3r

Thanks for the tip Si.

No problem Fuzzy, I echo your sentiments about Nepas as well.  This is a newer profile that I am using, my previous user name had been hijacked in other forums and had some negativity surrounding it....

Anyway....when I use search through posts when ever I saw something from Nepas I treated it like the word of GOD and knew it would be advice, tips, recipes, I could always count on.  NEPAS you're one of the main people who have made/make this forum what it is, please don't let a few haters/know it all's keep you away!