New to Smoking

Started by Turok, October 06, 2014, 08:41:49 PM

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Hello from central British Columbia, Canada. Just got a new Bradley Original Smoker "Blue". I've never smoked anything before, but I really want to do a jerk pork and some jerk chicken. I've got a small amount of Ministry of Agriculture Scotch Bonnets that I grew myself this past season just waiting to be turned into jerk sauce. I've previously done jerk pork on the gas grill with a small smoke box, and the chicken well... lets just say I turned my back for a second and that turned out to be more flame than chicken!

I've looked into rubs because I want to do ribs, brisket, pork shoulder, chicken and turkey just to start. Looking forward to reading all the tips and tricks


Habanero Smoker

Hi Neil;

Welcome to the forum.

Do you have the new Designer Series Bradley Smoker with the blue door? I saw it in the fall Sausage Maker catalog. I believe the only difference from the New Original is the blue door, different decal, and the location of the logo, but they do look nice.

Searching this forum will provide you with a lot of ideas, and also the link below will take you to a site that has a great of recipes, tips, and ideas that have been posted over the years.
Recipe Site - Old's Place



Welcome, I'm also a newer member. Your going to love this forum. Happy Smoking


Thanks for the welcome guys. I do have the blue door designer series. It was on sale for $100 off so got it for $269.99 CAN. The full on digital one looked pretty cool, but at $200 more, I went with the regular one.

I am a little worried about the bears getting at it after its been used a few times. We've got one around here that we stupidly attracted with our garbage. It was here before we were and has been going into the neighbourhood garbage, but it hit our house twice now since late august. Also don't have a place to store it out of the weather. I bought the Bradley cover and had read a few posts about it being ok once you seal the seems. Planning on picking up some Scotch Guard and giving it 3 or 4 coats.

Other than that, I'm going to read, read and read some more. I'll also be going through some trial and error in between.



Neil, welcome to the forums. 

If you haven't already, take the time to check out the link that Habs posted.  It takes you to a web site where recipes from the forum's most experienced smokers are stored.  Since these recipes are Bradley specific, they are often quite detailed and they offer some great tips and insights.  I've found these recipes to be very good, and the site is a great source of ideas.  And the information included has given me the confidence to do somethings I would never have considered.

Habanero Smoker

I had the original for over 10 years, and it has been outdoors 24/7, with just the Bradley cover protecting it. In that time I have gone through 3 covers. Since they have been making them out of thicker material, my current cover has lasted the longest. If you can find a small bottle of seam sealer that will be way less expensive to fully waterproof your cover. The small bottles with the built in applicator works best. The fabric is water proof, it just leaks at the seams. If the Scotch Guard will add a UV protection, then it would be worth it giving the cover a coat or two. I find the covers very susceptible to UV damage.


Smoker John

Welcome aboard, you'll find a wealth of info here
Bradley Digital 4 Rack
Bradley BS712

Jim O

Bears you say ! Hmmm bear sausage . Sounds like a plan !
- smoking
- motorcycling
- how do I find time to sleep !


Not much into bear myself, but if he keeps coming by... The first time he hit our place the wife woke me up from a dead sleep saying "there's something in our garbage..." I took a look out the window, then went to the door, opened it and turned the light on. I could only see eye's and an outline looking back at me as it stood on its hind legs. I made a 'PSSSHHHHHT!' sound to scare it off. It's response was 'AAARRRRRRrrr...'. That sir, was when it dawned on me that I was standing there, in my underwear, a few feet away from a bear that's used to feeding on people's trash.

I quickly closed the door and locked it. Then said "Well now, let that be a lesson for you!" It wandered off at a rather leisurely pace, but I think he got the message!


Thanks for the welcome Smoker John and tskeeter. I will certainly check out the link that Habanero Smoker posted.

Given the name, Habanero Smoker, I'm guessing that you're somewhat into peppers and heat. I've been growing peppers for a few years now and managed to get some Jolokia's, Red Trinidad Scorpions and Ministry of Agriculture Scotch Bonnets to really produce this year despite my climate. Hoping to get my hands on a few other of the super hots for the next year. You grow at all?


Habanero Smoker

Though I like my hot peppers, habaneros and scotch  bonnets being amount my favorites, and I've smoked several batches of habaneros; the name came to me while I was registering. It is a play on words, and my way on saying Hot Smoker. :)


seb bot

Hello from the West Coast!

Hope you enjoy your new smoker, and that your resident bear doesn't!  :)
I don't think the smoker would be too tempting sitting by itself covered, as it will just smell like smoke, but you may have issues if you do any long or overnight smokes...

Sorry I don't have a link for you, but there are a few threads from members who have made/bought little storage sheds to store their smokers in...


Welcome to the forum. Yup I am new here too.  ;)
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


Quote from: Quarlow on October 09, 2014, 08:10:55 PM
Welcome to the forum. Yup I am new here too.  ;)

Yeah, sure, Q. ::)
Give a man a beer and he'll waste a day.
Teach him how to brew and he'll waste a lifetime.


I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.