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Cabelas Puck Sale

Started by Pistol Pete, November 14, 2014, 01:06:27 PM

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Pistol Pete

Cabela's Bottom line 11/14/14 (14/11/14 Canadian)

$0.30 each for 120 pack of Apple Mesquite or Variety Pack  (Cherry is backordered at $44--no good)
$0.33 each for 48 packs of everything else

I've seen cheaper "base" prices in the $14 range for the 48 size (4 dozen Canadian), but you add handling, insurance, and shipping (tags, title, dealer prep, destination charges)it winds up more.

You may even want to consider a Cabela's visa card....get $25 bucks off and you never have to use it again.....er...till fishin' season?


"We have enough Youth, what we need is a Fountain of Smart"