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900w mod, with auber PID, do i need to bypass slider?

Started by Alfiegerner, May 31, 2015, 08:46:05 PM

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Will the full 900w still be used if i don't bypass the slider? Or does the slider control restrict the flow to 500w?




i would by pass the  slider as it is a variable resister  and restricts the  flow of  electricity. and also  use  the  pid for temp  controll


Thanks beefman. (For the reply but also all the information you've shared on this forum).

Already have the pid set up and planning to use that all the time. Just wondering if the bypass is strictly necessary or if the slider is all the way to the right then the 900w element will operate at full capacity?  Any idea?


U need to bypass the slide it will not handle the 900 watt element
Aubers single probe PID
Gas grill
Weber kettle grill
Traeger pellet grill


i just did the duel element and pid install on my Bradley smoker . i just cut all the wires going to stock control in front and hard wired it to the ssr relay unit . works great after i cut the back out of smoker and made a and domed the back for better air flow and room to install a confection oven fan on the Bradley. the pid was sorta pain to figure out till i found a great video on utube on setting it up . here the video  http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=ta4-snr+controller&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=42BF9286DDD5BEB650F642BF9286DDD5BEB650F6