2015 Christmas smokes

Started by Grouperman941, December 22, 2015, 05:06:25 PM

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My first try at summer sausages. Used Trout's recipe but added high temp cheese.

Polska kielbasa Wezdona

Disney style turkey legs (and thighs!) Viper's recipe

Smoked Prime Rib

A little Canadian bacon. Hab's recipe

I also made my cinnamon smoked almonds, smoked cashews, smoked pistachios, three cheeses, deli roast beef, and lean pastrami from an eye round. I love giving out food at Christmas. :-)
I just spent $12 K on this Honda Accord! Why can't it tow my boat?!?


got my Canadian bacon curing in the fridge and summer sausage sitting in there also. going to smoke the SS tomorrow morning and the bacon Friday. plus doing 12lbs of ribs for the eldest's supper around the new year. cheese is ready to eat, jerky is done and thinking about doing some more candied salmon. merry xmas all


It all looks great!  I've got to get busy.


Nice job, everything looks great! Merry Christmas.


fantastic job ,,, all the meat, sausages, legs look great,,,