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Bradley FAQ's Located on Olds Place aka Recipe Site

Started by Habanero Smoker, March 30, 2016, 02:30:27 PM

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Habanero Smoker

After looking further into the problems reported about the Bradley Smoker FAQ thread that is locate on Old's Place aka Recipe Site; there seemed to be other factors than browser type, and browser functions. It appears that most of the misdirected links were cause by links to answers located on page 2 of that thread. That page has the long post explaining how to post pictures. So I expect that post was at least partially, if not all of the problem.

To prevent this problem from reoccurring I have redesigned the thread, so there should not be any incorrect links from this point on. Though, there still may be some incorrect links that are within the FAQ answer that I may have missed. If you come upon an incorrect link please let me know by PM on this forum, or post on Old's Place.

In addition the old FAQ Answer thread has been left in place, so all the old links to that FAQ thread should continue to work, with the exception of the glitches that may still occur when using the old links.



Habanero Smoker

You're welcome. It just part of something that I volunteered to help maintain.



Sweet. Appreciated.

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