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Easiest temp controller mod?

Started by Ryan.98270, January 26, 2018, 11:14:39 PM

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Hello, my original non digital bradley quit on me. I replaced the element but it still wont turn on. I took apart the temperature slide/switch and found it pretty wet in there, even after not using for a year. I would like to get back into smoking, and using this smoker vs my cheap electric bullet smoker. Is there an easy and cheap(ish) fix to this? I was trying to look into auber pids and other controllers, but cant see if they bypass the bradley switch or if its easy enough for a novice, occasional smoker like myself. Any help with links or info is very appreciated! And if its easy enough, maybe I can do the double element mod now?


Habanero Smoker

Hi Ryan;

Welcome to the forum.

I'm short on time this morning, so hopefully other will provide you with links you are looking for.

If you live in the U.S. the cheapest fix would be ordering parts form Yard & Pool, to replace the damaged parts. You would need to replace the Heat Control Switch, and probably you will need a new face plate; since that is probably cracked.

Heat Control Switch

If your faceplate is damaged, you will also need.




I'll 2nd Yard and Pool.  Had the element in my DBS take a dump last week so I ordered 2 new ones and did the dual element mod while I was in there.  Think I ordered on Monday and had my elements on Wednesday.


Quote from: Ryan.98270 on January 26, 2018, 11:14:39 PMAnd if its easy enough, maybe I can do the double element mod now?


And here's a link to adding a second element.

Yet another second element question


Thanks for the replies. Is this cheaper/easier than changing out to a "pid"? I dont fully understand how the pid works or connects to the existing electronics, but if the existing stuff needs to be functional than i would need to repair it anyhow


Unfortunately the switch from Yard and Pool looks out of stock. Maybe calling Bradley at 1-866-508-7514


The other way that I know, would be buying a 611 smoke generator with the dial so you would have an integrated switch but it's a bit pricey.

Habanero Smoker

It is much cheaper. But temperature controllers vary in price. If you want to get a PID, they are more costly, but keep your cabinet temperature very accurate; often within +/-2°F. There are far more reasonably price temperature controllers that are not PID base. They will keep your cabinet usually within +/-10°F - which is really good for smoking/barbecuing.

If you add a temperature controller, you would either need to bypass the switch, or replace the switch. Or if you purchase the 611 generator, you will need to bypass the switch. With is just basic wiring. But do not bypass that switch unless you have a way to control the temperature. Once you bypass the switch, the element will be at full power all the time it is on.



Thanks again for the replies and the info. Mu thought is that if I just repair the existing switch then I may have the same problem in the future, the moisture and juices seem to run directly into the temperature switch housing. I think I will look around for a cheap alternative (non pid) switch that looks easy to wire. I might also call bradley, im sure other have had this problem as well
Thank you

Habanero Smoker

The problem you are describing is common. The face plate usually cracks above the switch allowing moisture to seep in and short out the switch. If your faceplate is cracked you will either have to replace it, or use duck tape or silicone to seal that crack.



Quote from: TedEbear on January 27, 2018, 12:48:51 PM
Quote from: Ryan.98270 on January 26, 2018, 11:14:39 PMAnd if its easy enough, maybe I can do the double element mod now?


And here's a link to adding a second element.

Yet another second element question

Thank you. This might be a little more involved for an occasionnal smoker like myself, I pretty much only smoke during the salmon fiahing season and usually only a couple times a year. 2nd element might be overkill for that. It does look like a fun project though, maybe Ill hold onto it for down the road - unless someone here wants it and maybe has a temp. switch laying around theyd wanna trade... Cash on my end to make the element half of the $24 I paid for it.

Thank you, this forum is a great resource for beginner cooks like myself :)


If you add a second element, then you absolutely need to buy a pid because the switch is not powerful enough to handle the wattage of the second element.

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