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Red spot on pork belly free removing from cure

Started by zueth, January 29, 2018, 05:55:14 PM

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I am doing the maple bacon from 10.5 and one of the pork bellies had a round red spot after I removed from the cure this evening. Is that normal? I was expecting the meat to all have the same color.  The bellies where in the cure for 7 days.

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It won't let me edit title, it's suppose to say after removing from cure

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Habanero Smoker

Assuming you coating the belly evenly with the cure mixture, usually the meat is a uniform color.  Though I've never had any bright red spots, I have had areas that could be greenish/grey, or areas that were darker. Most discolorations are cause by excessive exposure to air and/or sunlight. This exposure can occur before or during curing.

If you are overly concerned, slice off that section off the slab, and cook it separately as you would handled raw pork.

The below link may be helpful. Pay particular attention to #1.
The Color of Meat and Poultry



It looks like that area was up against something-side of the container or another bacon slab, and didn't get exposed to the cure.
Give a man a beer and he'll waste a day.
Teach him how to brew and he'll waste a lifetime.


I covered as evenly as I could and flipped every night. Each slap was sitting on its own tray in fridge, so wasn't because it was against something there. It's strange for sure

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Ive had the odd spot that looked that color. Not usually quite that large but I've never had an issue. Once its smoked the spot usually blends. Not sure what caused mine either. Cure was even and flipped daily. But as stated, if you are not comfortable with it just cut it out and don't look back.
