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Bradley smoker

Started by Riders, March 18, 2018, 09:22:49 AM

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Need help fired up Bradley today and started smoker and smoke will not go up vent it's like backdraft and smoke coming thru puck burner and puck tower have checked vent it's open and free of obstruction

Habanero Smoker

Was it windy? Wind can flow down the top vent, and cause a backdraft.

If you don't believe wind was the cause, there are also vents on the side of the generator. Make sure those are free of obstruction. If the side of the generator where the vents are located is facing a wall, make sure there is enough clearance between the generator and the wall so that air can circulate freely.

Another thought; if you were cold smoking (heating element was off), and it is extremely cold outside that can impede the flow of smoke.
