Butcher paper.

Started by rnmac, April 19, 2018, 07:33:00 AM

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Hello All.
I'm thinking about wrapping a few of the projects I smoke this year
using paper. Wondering how big a difference it would be whether I used
waxed or unwaxed paper? Thanks in advance for any advice on
which would be the better choice.


If you use waxed and you put meat in it there is some natural moistness to the meat so it would not stick to the paper. If you use unwaxed it will probably stick to the meat.


In term of barrier properties, the resistance to moisture transfer and freezer burn, the progression would go uncoated paper, coated (waxed or plasticized) paper, light plastic film (plastic wrap), zip lock plastic storage bags, foil wrap, heavy plastic pouches (vacuum seal pouches).  In general, within a given material, the heavier the better.  Metal foil is better than everything except glass.  However, a vacuum sealed plastic pouch is a game changer. That's better than a crimp sealed metal foil.

The longer you intend to store something, the more barrier you want.

Items stored in a frost free freezer do not store nearly as well as items stored in a freezer that must be manually defrosted.  I believe this is because the temperature in frost free freezers cycles up and down to eliminate frost build up while manual defrost freezers stay at a more constant temperature

Habanero Smoker

Hi rnmac;

Can you clarify if you are using the butcher paper to wrap your smoke projects for freezer storage, or do you want to use the butcher paper to wrap you project during the cook, instead of using foil. For example; you are smoking a brisket, and at a certain stage in the cook you want to rap it. Instead of using foil to wrap, you now want to use butcher paper.



Sorry I didn't clarify that. I want to try using it during the cook instead of using foil.
Am not sure if I should be using waxed butcher paper or not.

Habanero Smoker

I don't use butcher paper, but most of the articles I've read about say to use only untreated paper - not wax or plastic coating. If you what any of the Aaron Franklin brisket videos he refers to pink butcher paper, which is untreated, but I've also seen brown untreated butchers paper.

Pink Butcher Paper



Thanks for this info Habanero Smoker. The only brisket I tried got pretty dried out on the thin end. Hoping that if I wrap it once it reaches the stall till it's done I might get a moister product.


For your intended use you should use Parchment Paper.

Available in most any large grocery store, found in the food packaging aisle alongside the foils and plastic wraps. It comes in a boxed roll much like your typical foil wrap. It is an untreated , food safe paper specifically designed for wrapping and cooking foods and good to 400 degrees F. Food will not stick to it. About $3 for a 30 foot roll.
It's going to take a lifetime to smoke all this.

Habanero Smoker

I've been thinking of switching to butcher paper over foil, but haven't made the switch yet. For a couple of years I've been seeing an increase of barbecue competitors using butcher paper. On the barbecue circuit, and some barbecue restaurants that wrap brisket and butts; untreated butcher paper (pink or peach) is preferred over parchment. Both are food safe, and butcher paper is rated up to 400°F. Untreated butcher paper is preferred rather than foil or parchment because it is more porous - maintaining enough moisture in the meat, while allowing enough surface moisture to escape to obtain a better bark than you can get with foil, or parchment paper (which is often treated with silicone, that make it almost non-porous). Also it comes in much wider roles, which makes it ideal for wrapping large cuts of meat. I haven't made the switch yet; but still considering it.
