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"E" Error new replacement smoker unit

Started by GABJR, July 02, 2018, 10:59:24 AM

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Replaced my smoker unit a couple of months ago. smoked twice no issue. this Saturday I get the "E" error. checked all connections, using same power outlet I always use. pucks will advance. Should be under warranty. thanks

Habanero Smoker

Are you getting an "E" or an "E1" error. An "E" error indicates that there is some type of malfunction in the advance system. Sometimes the bisquettes can be advanced manually, but will not advance automatically. Or all the bisquettes can feed through rapidly.

The following is information copied from another post:

An "E" message is letting you know that there is something wrong with the advance system. It's the connection between the motor arm and the micro switch. Please open the generator, and take a look at that switch which is going to be a gray rectangle shaped switch; first make sure that it is connected, secondly makes sure nothing is blocking that switch and the arm. If the wires appear to be plugged in, disconnect and reconnect the connections to make sure they are secure.

If the above does not work, check the drive guide for any obstructions; such as a build up of debris in the tracks that will interfere with the movement of the system. Also check the drive guide for any wear and tear. That is an indication the guide track is out of alignment and need to be adjusted.

Another thing that may cause the error, it the micro switch. With your generator plugged in (only do this if you feel comfortable with working with electrical appliances); depress the micro switch. This is to test to see if the micro switch does work. The motor should engage and the motor arm should come around and depress the switch; you should hear a definite click. If it doesn't depress the switch, loosen the two motor nuts, and realign the motor.



It was the "E" error. should I go in or get replaced as it is under warranty

Habanero Smoker

Since it is under warranty, you should proceed with the warranty. The store of Bradley may attempt to try to repair first, before replacing it.
