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Bradley Smoker Replacement Smoke Generator BTIS1 - Black

Started by mjloew, August 05, 2018, 10:14:17 AM

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Anyone know where I can buy a replacement smoke generator. Mine misfeeds/doesn't feed fairly often (has for long time now worse)? Are new ones more reliable?


Contact Bradley Service first, there are postings here that also can salve that problem.
Bradley 4 rack Digital, 900 watt, Auber PID
Bradley cold smoke adapter
Char-Griller Smoking Pro BBQ Smoker with rotisserie
Brinkman Bullet Smoker
Weber 24"
Custom Hard Cure Cabinet for Salami
One Auber Master Temp monitor and two remotes with probes, up to ten remotes can be used.



Habanero Smoker

Hi mjloew;

Welcome to the forum.

The mechanical mechanism of the generators that fit the Original models, basically haven't changed. Before purchasing a new one, you should follow Gafala's advice.

You should also post a detailed description of the problem, so that we may be able to help you troubleshoot. There may be a simple fix, such as making sure the feeder tube is straight and seated properly.



Just FYI, I have tried all the "fixes" on my DBS over the years.
I have had it apart more times than I can count.

As much as I love my Bradley, I just can't trust it.
I have to watch it the whole time I'm cooking with it.


I don't use my smoke gen I use my A-Mazing smoker box instead.    I do use the smoke gen to help with heat but I can't trust it for smoke anymore
Live, ride, eat well and thank God!


Like Tommy, I have an A-maze-n smoker tube, but haven't used it yet. :)

I probably should use it in the Bradley as you do, because every time I use the smoke gen. it either fails to advance a puck or it drops two at a time.

It would be nice if Bradley would engineer a true fix for it because I love to use the smoker, but I mainly only use it for cold smoking now because of the issues.


Like Tommy and Roget, I have an A-maze-n smoker tube, but haven't used it yet eather. I'm one of the lucky ones as I have had my Bradley for years and never had a problem with it, even after a move it just keeps working I just finished 6 3lbs chubs of Summer Sausage and no problems.

Bradley 4 rack Digital, 900 watt, Auber PID
Bradley cold smoke adapter
Char-Griller Smoking Pro BBQ Smoker with rotisserie
Brinkman Bullet Smoker
Weber 24"
Custom Hard Cure Cabinet for Salami
One Auber Master Temp monitor and two remotes with probes, up to ten remotes can be used.


I switched to a 12" A-MAZE-N pellet tube a few years ago when the Bradley pucks were hard to find.  When I discovered how inexpensive it was to smoke with it I never went back to the pucks.  I still keep the smoke generator attached to the tower because that's where I have my PID controller installed.

Habanero Smoker

I have the 12" A-MAZE-N tube. I use it in my pellet smoker and gas grill to get some smoke. Knowing taste is subjective, but for my taste it doesn't come close to the smoke the generator puts out using the Bradley bisquettes.



I like the smoke I get from the Bradley pucks better than the smoke from my pellet grills.
I just wish I could trust them to be dropped on schedule.  ;)


I have given up on mine. I have got free parts from Bradley to correct the problem, which was unsuccessful and then bought another unit which only works when it wants too. It does seem to work better in warm weather however. The other problem is my smoker is 40 cu ft and it does not generate anywhere near enough smoke.