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No power to heating element

Started by CanAm99, August 24, 2018, 05:48:54 PM

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I was using my Bradley smoker and it started misting out. I was near the end so I figured I would take the chance that the rain would not hurt things... well I was wrong. I lost power to the heating element. I traced it back to the box and I can not see anything wrong with the boards in there. The heating element works with direct feed and the jumper power cord is good.
Any thoughts.

Habanero Smoker

Hi CanAm99;

Welcome to the forum. Please state what model you have, and also how long you have had it will help.

I guess regional dialect need to be cleared up first. :) I was puzzled by what you were referring to when you said misting, after reading the full post I realized you meant what we call in the northeast as drizzle. Also using the term "box" for the generator will confuse members, or at least me. :) When someone says "box", we may must likely think you are referring the cooking chamber, that Bradley refers to as the oven, you will see me refer to it as the cabinet.

Hopefully the problem is the fuse. The fuse is located on the back of the generator. You will see a knob, push it is slightly and turn it, it will release and you can remove the fuse. It is a 10amp fuse. You may find it at your local Wal-Mart or other store that has an automotive section. You will have better luck going to an auto parts store. Take the fuse with you, and show them what replacement fuse you need.



model, BTDS76P.
By box I mean the side black box the has the electronics and puck feeder.
Yes misting is equal to drzzle.
The inline fuse is good and the heating element is good.
I know this as I plugged directly into the oven bypassing the side box and it heated up great.
I also borrowed the jumper cord from my neighbor who has the same smoker and it still didn't work, thus rolling that it is not the jumper cord.
That leads me to the side black box with the puck feeder.
Did I fry a board?

Habanero Smoker

That model is the 4 Rack Digital. The black box is called the generator - that is what I will be calling it. So when you see the word generator, I'm referring to the black box.

When you are saying inline fuse, are you referring to the 10amp glass fuse located on the back of the generator, or the inline fuse that is located in the oven part (cabinet). If you haven't checked the fuse located on the back of the generator, you need to check it. If that fuse is good, then you should call Bradley customer service. If it is blown, follow my suggestion I provided in my first post. As a side note; most times it is obvious that the fuse has blown by looking at it; then sometimes you can't tell by looking.



I thought there was only 1 inline fuse on the back of the oven, so that is what I was referring to.
I do not see anything on the back of the generator. I'll have it opened up and nothing looks like a fuse.
If I can find it I'm sure that will be the problem.


CanAm, the fuse on the smoke generator is under a small screw on cap on the same side of your smoke generator as the plugs are located.  If I remember correctly, it is on the upper third of the smoke generator and toward the side with the puck burner.

Habanero Smoker

I believe it is were tskeeter states. If Bradley hasn't change the design, it should be a black knob protruding out of the generator.

I forgot to ask, does the digital display still lights up and display an "E1" error? Or if that happens once you replace the fuse; you have a problem with the sensor cord. The sensor cord is the thin cord that runs from the generator to the oven. Unplug if form both ends, and make sure that all connectors are dry and free of debris. You may want to use some electrical contact cleaner spray to make sure all connection points are free of moisture, and clean. Even if you don't get the E1 error, you may want to do this anyway, since the smoker did get wet. WD40 will also expel any moisture, but Bradley doesn't recommend using that, since it leaves an oily residue that may attract debris. Once clean plug the cord back in. You may have to plug and unplug several times to get a proper connection.



OK, I found the fuse. It is in a tray you pull out under the plugins. There is 1 that is clipped in and another that is lose (spare?). Unfortunately They both look good and I switched them and still no power to heating element.
All the electronics work and have always worked. No error codes and the oven and smoker displays work as if everything is good.
This is so confusing.
1) powered the oven box directly with main power cord. The heating element worked.
2) used a neighbors working power cord between generator and oven box. Heating element Does not work.
3) fuses on the generator look good. Switched spare is and still the heating element does not work.

Habanero Smoker

The second fuse in that tray is most likely a spare. If the LCD screen, and buttons function, it is not the fuse. Even though there is no E errors, you should still clean the sensor cord and all it's connections, then plug and unplug several times.

If that doesn't work, you should give Bradley a call tomorrow during business hours.

(866) 508-7514



Was pulled off this task by the wife. I'll give it a try.
Thank you for the help.