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Using Smoker in Extreme Cold Ambient Temperatures

Started by Evelein, February 13, 2019, 12:06:05 PM

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Living in the frozen north (Calgary, Canada), we are currently in a cold snap, with temperatures of -20 to -30C (5 below to 20 below F) and I can't get the smoker to work in the cold. It is a new smoker, used only 2 times (at warmer temperatures) and it has proven that it does work.

First, I simply started in as normal and got the dreaded E1 code and beeping. After reviewing this forum and possible remedies for the E1 Error, I found that nothing worked: connections were fine, sensor wire was in tact (used an ohm meter to determine that) and nothing worked. I brought the smoker inside to warm up over night, and plugged it in inside and all was working. I brought the smoker outside again and started it up and again it worked for about 10 minutes. During that 10 minutes, the oven heated fine ( I set it to 120F), the pucks advanced manually, the elements were hot, then another E code error. It was not an E1 code, just a E in the location where the Temp Setting is normally displayed. That is not where the E1 code shows up.

I've concluded that there must be something in the smoke generator (like a low temp shut off, or maybe the circuit board itself) that doesn't work at these very low ambient temperatures. I doubt that it is the temperature probe because it was working to bring the temperature of the oven up and controlled it withing the first 10 minutes. If anyone has any more knowledge, I'm all ears, but for now, I've given up until it warms up and I've put the cured meat in the freezer.

Habanero Smoker

Those are temperatures to extremely low for the electronics  in the digital smoker to work properly; so yes - wait for warmer weather. I'm in New York, don't have the digital, and the winters don't get as cold as they use to, but the lowest temperatures I've operated mine was around 20°F.

