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12#,15# and 16# brisket simultaneously

Started by Kalamazoo, June 18, 2019, 12:09:17 PM

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Just double checking...

3 packer briskets, 12,15,16#

Will have 16# on bottom rack, 15# middle, 12# on top

If was 16 only I'd plan 20 hrs or so before FTC. What do you think about all 3 at once?

24 hrs? 30? More?


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Habanero Smoker

It's hard for me to estimate that. The extra cooking time will be the amount of time it takes the cabinet to get to temperature. It could be four hours it could be more. The meat will be giving off a lot of moisture which will keep the temperature down, and the meat itself will act as a heat sink. If time is critical, you may want to move one or two of the briskets to the kitchen oven, after you have applied smoke, or anytime there after.



OK, I managed to secure a second smoker. I'll put the 16 and one in the 12 and 15 in the other. Any best guesses out there?

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