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Auber pid controller

Started by Tommyboy, December 26, 2019, 05:12:50 PM

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Hey guys, total rookie here. I have recently purchased the original Bradley smoker and have only used it once. I decided to buy the Auber pid and have received it but have not set it up yet. I'm somewhat clear on how it works but I'm wondering where I set the temperature on the Bradley temperature control. I have read the directions for the Auber but it does not mention anything about it. The OBS only has the high, medium, low option. Do I just set it on high and let the PID do the work or does it even matter where I set the temperature. May be a dumb question, but any input would be much appreciated. Thanks guys.


Doesn't matter where you set it.  It is no longer in the circuit to control the heating element.  The PID does all the controlling.   8)
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 77 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men don't ask permission to bear arms." ― Glen Aldrich
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ― Dr. Seuss


I always figured that I should set the unit on the smoke generator to high position because that would allow full power flow going to the PID.

I thought it probably controlled the temperature by letting percentages of power to the element, therefore....if my temp setting was at low, a smaller amount of juice was going from the smoke generator to the element.

All my thinking could be way out of left field on this.


As I said before, it doesn't matter where you set it.  It is completely removed from the circuit and does not control the current going to the heating element in any way, shape or form.  The heating element gets its power (current) from the PID and the original control will not control anything.
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 77 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men don't ask permission to bear arms." ― Glen Aldrich
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ― Dr. Seuss


As dubob says, personally because it is not in use I leave the Bradley heat element control set to off / zero when using the PID purely because that is how my mind works, somehow seems more logical Mr Spock!  :)

Habanero Smoker

That is definitely true for the later models. If you have the Old Original Black Bradley (BTIS1), - which I believe TNRockyraccoon has; and you haven't by past the temperature control slider you need to keep the temperature to maximum for the PID to utilize all 500 watts of that element.

I still have and occasionally will use my Old Original Black Bradley. I've done the dual element mod on mine, and didn't by pass the controller. If I slide the controller to the far left "off", no current will flow, or very little will trickle to that  one element that is still connected to the slide controller. If I slide it halfway, then the PID can only utilize that element to approximately 50% of the element's full power.



I stand corrected 'Hab'.   :)

My Bradley is a digital purchased around 2008 or so.  I bought the PID in 2011 after hearing about it on this forum.  I just re-read the installation instructions for the PID and see now that there are a couple of ways to set up the connections and the Bradley controller can be supplying the heater power in certain setups.  Mine does not because of the way I set it up.  So, it is possible that 'TNR's' setup will require that he have his slider set to the max ON position at all times when he is using the smoker.

Apologies for misleading anybody if that be the case. 
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 77 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men don't ask permission to bear arms." ― Glen Aldrich
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ― Dr. Seuss


Thanks for the reminder Habs, I was completely forgetting that my old Original Stainless Steel model with the slider had different requirements... should have kept my mouth shut!  ::).

Habanero Smoker

Both of you are right. It's just easy to forget about that old technology. :) I'm not sure if there are many owners of the Old Bradley Smoker that are still out there.
