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Low heater element voltage?

Started by BitzF4, April 09, 2020, 07:25:15 PM

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First post, so sorry for a long one... can't find this specific issue yet but maybe it happened to someone.

I have a BS611 with a rheostat temp control. the first few times I used it things worked fine. 3 of the last 4 times I have noticed the temp struggles to get above 175 or so. I checked all the connections and on the first time, I opened the controller box and found the 10 amp fuse holder had become lose and I tightened it up and good to go. Last time before today, plugged everything in and again, not much heat. Looked in the box and the heater was glowing red in the middle but pretty dim on either end. I plugged power directly into the box and heater goes bright red all the way across.  So today, before loading with all 4 racks full of baby backs... fired up, light doesn't come on (heater) and so I did some checking, pulled the controller and checked fuse, reinstalled and good to go.  preheated 30 mins and placed ribs in... short time later, the heater light is off...by pass controller and run heater at full power (windy and 40 deg but had heavy blanket around box) and finished the ribs... So after all done, took a DVM and checked the output voltage to the box from the controller. 57VAC regardless of any adjustment of the rheostat... tried to find a schematic of the unit and no luck.  So I can run with direct power to box and other power to controller feeder/heat,  but no adjustment this way... I am guessing here, but assume the temp control knob cranks the rheostat and drops the voltage to the box?  assume too that at full heat position, there should be more than 57VAC on the output of the controller???

Also, on the verification question... what is the answer for the last thing at the end of the sentence...  Looks like a :  to me.. but never works.

any idea where to find a schematic for a BS611 or anyone have this issue?



Habanero Smoker

Hi BitzF4;

Welcome to the forum.

Great job trouble shooting and explaining it. I don't know the answer to your question, but it does seem like you rheostat is the problem. If you are still under warranty call Bradley customer service. If it is out of warranty they may be able to sell you the part(s).

If it is not practical to replace the part, you may want to look into a third party temperature controller.



thanks for the info. I have left a msg with Bradley... but it is not in warranty now.

So, still can't get the answer to the " What is the last letter or symbol in this sentence .:    I have tried a :, a .:, a space... any help here :)


Habanero Smoker

Sorry! I don't have a clue what the answer could be.
