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Newbie - this forum helped me decide on a Bradley

Started by Mikemc411, May 11, 2020, 07:40:31 AM

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Newbie smoker ,,,,, have had a couple "hand me down" cheap electric smokers.....
Was smoking ribs for the first time on my super small electric smoker and decided a needed a bigger /better unit... spent hours researching....
BUT - when I found this forum and the mods etc... it sealed the deal...

I'm a jeep addict, love building upgrading etc... these Bradley units seem like the "jeeps" of the electric smoking world..

Ordered an analog model... plan on doing the 900w upgrade before I even use the first time... Don't want to have heating issues on windy days...
I have an external temp controller I will use to get started but will most likely upgrade to something like the Auber controller...


Welcome, but like a Jeep find out what you want to do with it first before spending a bunch of $$$ you may find it works well out of the box ;)

mine is going on 9 years old and only went through one element
Live, ride, eat well and thank God!

Habanero Smoker

Hi Mikemc411;

Welcome to the forum.

Also you may want to run it for awhile to make sure there are no problems with the generator. Once you make any modification your warranty is voided.



Hi Mikemc411 and welcome to the forum. Like TMB and Habanero Smoker said, try the smoker first before you make any modifications. I'd Hate for you to jump in and do the mod and find out your warranty is void and you're having an issue with your unit.


Welcome to the forum Mikemc411, nothing to add to the excellent advise given by the other very experienced forum members other than to say have fun with your new Bradley.  :)

Smoker John

Bradley Digital 4 Rack
Bradley BS712