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Hello eh from Colorado

Started by rDub, May 17, 2021, 09:04:27 PM

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Been using an original smoker for years. Just bit the bullet and bought the P10. Look forward to sharing and learning. Vacationed many years on Vancouver Island which is where my first experience with a Bradley Smoker happened. ;)

Habanero Smoker

Hi rDub

Welcome to the forum.

You made a good choice. If you have the space, and you do a lot of cold smoking you may want to hang on to the original.



Greeting rDub and welcome to the forum.... I haven't gone to the P10 yet as I'm still using my 6 rack digital. Maybe one day.......



Welcome to BS Forum. Many good advices here...and as a P 10 owner too.. may share my experience with you.


Thanks for the warm welcome. I am excited to see what the P10 can do. It is scheduled to be delivered on Thursday. I have smoked just about everything you can think of in my OBS. Just did a duck last Sunday. Our favorite is getting a packer brisket from Costco and going all in.

Habanero Smoker

When you get a chance let us know how you smoked the duck, and how it turned out.

I haven't done a brisket in it, but I know that an untrimmed 11 pound packer will fully fit on a tray.



Welcome the the forum rDub.

I have no experience of the P10 and predominantly cold smoke using a Bradley original but am nonetheless interested to hear how you get on with the P10.  :)


My take on Whole duck

5lb maple leaf whole duck with orange sauce
1 cup pulpless orange juice
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
9 bradley cherry pucks
liberal use of homemade rub recipe (not telling)

Thaw and let come to room temperature.
Mix orange juice and maple syrup together and inject into duck. Liberally paint rest onto skin of duck.
Apply rub inside and out. Place on rack breast side down.
Bring OBS to 225 temperature with vent 1/4 open. Slide rack into second slot from the bottom.
Apply 3 hours of cherry smoke.
Turn duck onto back and insert probe thermometer into breast.
Clean and refill water bowl.
Monitor until temp reading is 165 degrees in breast and thigh.
Crisp skin on gas fired weber grill.
Place orange sauce that came with duck in plastic bowl and microwave for 90 seconds.
Paint sauce liberally on all sides of duck.
Let rest for 15 minutes in 200 degree oven to set sauce.
Enjoy with your favorite sides.

Habanero Smoker

Thanks for the recipe.

I've done duck in the Bradley but was not completely pleased with the outcome. I may give your procedure a try.



Thanks Randy,

This gives me a great idea for the coming weekend.

Stay safe,
