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New Member with question about heat element

Started by 1Lav78, August 16, 2021, 06:15:37 PM

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Hello everyone new member here! Have a question for those that have done heat element upgrade on there Bradley smoker! I have a 6 rack Bradley original xlt analog non digital model BS 815 XLT and have just upgraded to 900watt element. Problem is element is not heating up at all so I need a PID to control this element? Is there something I missed all wires and connections are good plugged in properly I'm at a loss! Any help is appreciated! Also ohm reading is 31 on new element but drops to zero instantly!

Habanero Smoker

Hi 1Lav78,

Welcome to the forum.

For any heat modification to a Bradley, especially the Original and New Original models (non-digital) I recommend using a PID or some other style of heat controller.

It is difficult to help you when you don't post a reference to the instructions you used for your modification, but in this case it does look like a PID alone would not resolve your problem. If you can provide a link to that that would be helpful.

I've never experienced an OHM measurement drop during a reading. Check the batteries in your meter, but I would suspect there is something wrong with your 900w element.



Installation of 900 watt element was the basic instructions found on YouTube for tempco 900 watt 120v element. Removed original element drilled 2 1/4" holes to accommodate new element and mounted. Using original wiring reconnected to new element and plugged everything back together. Smoke generator works fine produces smoke but new element does not heat up. Wondering if new element is no good or do I need to rewire something to make it work? Ive heard PID is optional but not sure if I need one in this case to make element work.


A PID controller is advised when increasing the heat capacity from what the smoker was originally designed and tested to handle.  However, it is going to supply power through the same wires that are connected to the new element now.  When you did the ohm reading did you remove the wire off one end first and then test the element and it dropped to zero? It sounds like something is wrong with the new element if you did that and it drops to zero ohms.

Here's a thread link with pics of one person who added a 900W element.  Read through that and see if your setup looks similar.

My 900W heater and Recirculation fan mod

Habanero Smoker

I've never done a 900w mod so the instructions you give don't really help me in trouble shooting. I did the dual element mod. If you believe you wired everything correctly, then take the back of the cabinet off, and check to see if you didn't accidently disconnect the wiring to the receptacle. If you pulled on the wires to hard when reconnecting them to the 900w element, you may have accidently detached the wire(s). If you meter is alright, with the reading you got; then the likely cause may be a bad element.

But again I advise that you get either a PID or other type of heat controller; especially for the Original models.



So changed battery in multimeter and removed new element from smoker tested wires coming into box and get 118-120 volts so power is coming through. Tested ohm reading again with multimeter and get 31 ohms instantly and than a drop to 0.6 and that's where it stays. Tested ohm reading on original element and get 28 ohms and holds. My guess is the new element is no good and will be returning it! As for PID controller what is a good recommendation for one that is budget friendly!

Habanero Smoker

There are many heat controllers for electric smokers. PID is an algorithm that many heat controllers use; such as Auber. They tend to be more accurate, programable and more expensive.

Ink Bird ITC 308 temperature controllers uses a different algorithm, that are not as accurate, but accurate enough to control your smoker, less program features and less expensive. Several members have purchase this type of controller. Keep in mind the highest temperature you can set this for is 248°F. This may be a good budget choice. There is a wi-fi model, but for some reason the high temperature is only 212°F.

Ink Bird ITC 306

If you are handy with electronic you can build your own controller. There is a PID controller tutorial on this board, and if you do a search for "DIY PID electric smoker controller" your find a lot of tutorials.
