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Non working bisquette heater

Started by E-tronic, November 14, 2024, 08:26:44 AM

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Hello again!

I have dissassembled the bisquette heater in order to measure both the elements and the temperature sensor.

The two elements – as the manual state 2x100 watts – has each 145 ohms so I guess they are connected in series and controlled by a relay as well as a SCR.

The temperature sensor reads about 238 ohms at 20 degrees Celsius ambient temperature. It seems on the low side, but can anyone share how many ohms there should be?

Is there by chance possible to access a service manual for this BS1019EC modell?

Thank you!
"Messen ist Wissen, aber messen ohne wissen ist kein wissen"


Perhaps more likely the European importer of Bradley Smokers will be able to help with this request, I am not aware of anyone having access to service manuals here on the forum?

Grakka, a UK based company are the European Importer so they could be a point of contact?


Presumably the unit is out of warranty.


Thank you for reply manxman!

Yes, this unit is out of warranty. I understand and as in most cases it can be quite difficult to get access to service manuals. I found some spare parts at bradleysmoker.se and will soon place an order and I will also send them an email about a service manual, but guess they will keep it "in house". The temperature sensor for the bisquette heater had really low ohm values, not knowing what they should be, so I guess the smoker might think that the plate is real ... real hot!
"Messen ist Wissen, aber messen ohne wissen ist kein wissen"


Quote from: E-tronic on November 14, 2024, 09:23:33 AMThe temperature sensor for the bisquette heater had really low ohm values, not knowing what they should be

Yes many companies are reluctant to share service manuals, by maybe they would at least give you specific information such as this?


Did find this link offering individual tech support, US based but would no doubt have access to both US and European technical specs?



Thank you manxman!

I will drop them an email and ask for the values. I took the sensor out and when I had it on the bench I measured again and then it had turned to open circuit. I have som pictures that may help someone when they want to replace something in the bisquette heater, but I do not know how to upload them; I tried but failed. I also had a look on the controller board just in case I have to dig into that too in the future.
"Messen ist Wissen, aber messen ohne wissen ist kein wissen"