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Next one just happened... 262K annually

Started by Oldman, November 28, 2006, 04:34:01 PM

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Well some might think this is a rag... but you folks are what I call my friends; those who are my friends will see this as not a raq but a sharing. 

This ole carpet cleaner will share this with ya.  Many here will remember that I received a very large contract with a defense contractor for carpet maintenance back in March. Well today I got another one with a company for 262K annually. Plus in this park the people we have displaced are in several other complexes.  One other facility manager in that park has already let me know that if I make it work he will come on board as well.

Tonight I'm kind-of sitting here numb. I wish I was 36 and not going on 57.  The upside is I have put into place a good management team. In my mind's eye I see 5 years out and it is scary. Who would have ever thought that this smuk carpet cleaner would have arrived? Not me... my wife yes... but not me!

Dang I need a Brandy.....

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 

Chez Bubba

Congrats Olds! Don't have to apologize, you deserve it. :)

I'm just thankful that your thread title wasn't about what we first thought. (Susan)

Keep going forward,

Kirk & Anne
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Congrats Olds.  It is good to see you posting again.  Our prayers are with you guys.  I can appreciate what you guys must be going through.  Although not nearly as serious as Susan, my wife Linda has multiple health issues as well and one or two of them may get her in the end but so far she is hard charging and still teaching math at the local middle school.  You guys keep going and enjoy every day to its fullest.

Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


Thanks Chez....

Quoteshe is hard charging and still teaching math at the local middle school.
Well my best to you and your wife. For Susan this is her last year teaching. You might have read where I've posted this before. At the end of this year she will have been 35 years teaching in one school. (She is 62 years young ;D )

She went down to the second grade this year and calls them "her babies." She is having a ball with them and I've glad as I had hoped that her last year would be a good year.

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


QuoteCongrats Olds! Don't have to apologize, you deserve it.

Not a lot more I can say, Kirk summed it up for me.  :)

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: manxman on November 29, 2006, 01:23:38 AM
QuoteCongrats Olds! Don't have to apologize, you deserve it.

Not a lot more I can say, Kirk summed it up for me.  :)

Same here. Congratulations.



"Numb" is a good descriptive word for that feeling of "arrival"! Good things come to those that earn AND deserve and you've obviously done BOTH, Olds! The lucrative contracts are a validating reward for your deligence to detail/quality/skill/perserverance.....Susan's 2 graders are indeed heaven's reward here on Earth!! Congratulations to you both!


What he said!!!   Kummok could of not said it better.  I hope I can teach my kids what happens when you work hard and stay diligent, by the looks of the youth of today there will be a lot opportunity to be had.


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


I can't really say much more myself except this.
The next time someone should ask me what a friend means to me I would have to sit them down and show them this forum and introduce them to some of you folks. I can say without a doubt that I have become a very wealthy man friendship wise because of you. Thanks. You all deserve the best!!! ;D ;)


Hard work....................................HELL YES , IT STILL PAYS OFF !
  Congrats Olds,


QuoteThe next time someone should ask me what a friend means to me I would have to sit them down and show them this forum and introduce them to some of you folks. I can say without a doubt that I have become a very wealthy man friendship wise because of you. Thanks. You all deserve the best!!! 

Well put iceman, very true indeed.   :)

Phone Guy