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DBS Problem

Started by Mr Walleye, December 31, 2006, 11:18:07 AM

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Does anyone know what the gauge of the wire to and from the fuse holder is?  Seems the wire gauge is too small and with the amoung of current, it is overheating.  Maybe they need to go to 4 or 8 gauge welder's lead wire.  That won't burn off. ;D
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I guess that would be okay if you need to arc weld.......  :o

This URL has useful information on wire gauge and current carrying capability: http://www.powerstream.com/Wire_Size.htm As noted, it is a very conservative table. For the BS, I would probably use 16 or 18 guage, mostly to get a good crimp, although 20 would work over the short wiring distances involved.



I haven't had to open mine yet so don't know what the actual guage is that is being used.  If it is burning off, I would think a heavier guage like 16 or even 14 would provide better capacity without the overheating.  The wire doesn't address the fuse holder if it is also overheating and melting.  I like the solder and crimp method as well.  Solder alone may be an issue as if the wire and holder overheat, it would melt the solder and possibly come apart.
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West Coast Kansan

Hi Gizmo, I will bring a toasted version on Sat. The fuse holder is (according to current theory) a secondary failure due to heat from a bad connection (between the terminal on fuse holder and the connector on the wire). Given a good connection = wire / holder / et.al should be fine. 

I have asked but dont know if the OBS that would not get power at all was a disconnect at this point.  Lotsa miles China, Canada, to all over USA etc. on the smokers for a connector to loosen up and create a high resistance connection and resulting heat. 

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Mr Walleye

Ok, just an update on where I'm at regarding the fried fuse holder issue.

I called Bradley first thing in the morning on Jan 2 and spoke to a lady and explained my problem. She indicated they would either send out a fuse holder or a whole new generator. I promptly asked which it would be and she indicated she would have to check with someone else. I asked if she would like to call me back with what they were going to do and she indicated they were very busy and short staffed so it would not be possible for her to call me back. She did indicate they would ship one or the other out that day.

Well... it arrived today and it's a fuse holder. Nothing else, no explanation, no instructions, just a fuse holder with a wire directly soldered onto it. Do they expect all consumers to be capable of tearing down the smoke generator and re-wiring a new fuse holder into it? I know, I know... I'm capable of doing it but...

I will be more than a little pi$$ed if it doesnt work after this.

Based on all the great reports on customer service I read I'm a little disappointed. Not even an explanation as what happened or why!


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Mike I don't know what the deal is..... I will say I don't like it. This is not the Bradley service I've know before....

I will E-mail Wade Bradley myself...

EDIT: E-mail has been sent.


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Mr Walleye

Thanks Olds

I don't mind putting the fuse holder in but the cause of the problem still concerns me. Plus the issue if it doesn't work afterwords.


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West Coast Kansan

 :(  :-[ disappointing

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Mr Walleye

Just another quick update...

I recieved a call first thing this morning from Brian with Bradley (Thanks Olds). Had a good talk with him regarding this. He indicated there has been a handful of these incidents and they are trying to figure out the cause. They are currently pointing the finger at the fuse holder itself but they don't have a failed fuseholder to look at, nor is the problem being consistant. He is aware that this happens without blowing the fuse. I am going to ship my failed one back to him to see if they can sort it out now that they have my serial number and can tell the batch number from there. To answer the question regarding solder vs crimp-on, the wire is soldered directly to the fuseholder with no crimp-on connector. He also indicated he would keep me posted on any findings. Hopefully I will get a chance tonight to change it and ship it back to him tomorrow.

I am glad they gave me a call and I don't mind swaping out the fuseholder and shipping it back to them in order to make a great product even better. From time to time any manufacturer can and usually does have problems with various component suppliers. The thing that separates the good from the bad is how and if they correct the problem.

Thanks Guys,

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Mike you are more than welcome.... Katie Husband E-mail me back about this, and let's hope it get sorted out soon.

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Mr Walleye

I just got in from the garage. I changed out the fuseholder and did a short test. Everything seems to be functioning normally. I guess I'll know for sure once I've done another smoke. When I get into the office tomorrow I will package up the old fuseholder and send it off to Brian at Bradley. Hopefully they get back to me on their findings.


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