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I just don't know what to do!

Started by Skipystu, January 31, 2007, 05:23:38 PM

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Chez would be the guy to get hold of. Just PM him from this site if you can't do the e-mail thing or call Anne during the day @ (574) 276-8746 Fax (574) 294-6851 :)


Since Bubba was brought up here and a search for his pucks only brought up this chain ...

How do the Bubba Pucks work? The Aluminum Pucks for $15? Their site says you only get 2 so I wouldn't think they hold the wood pucks. Or do they? Do they go in the stack?

Looks like I will be needing some jerky trays too .. although I have an indoor dehydrator that I have been using. So much easier then charcoal! but now with the OBS!!


Hi, after loading all your bisquettes, place the bubba pucks in the feed tube on top of them. The bubba pucks act like spacers, and make sure the wood bisquettes are all spent and pushed into the water bowl, no waistage.

So the sequence would be load bisquettes, place 2 bubba pucks on top, then a bisquette on top of the bubba pucks. Or better still just use 3 bubba pucks on top of the bisquettes, so the last thing left on the ramp and burner is 3 bubba pucks.

Some here use 2 bubba pucks + 1 bisquette, others use 3 bubba pucks.

I use 3 bubba pucks, as i prefer this set up.

Kirk of Chez Bubba will do you a deal on 3 pucks if you ask him, it really is money well spent.

Hope this helps.............LilSmoker

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