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I just don't know what to do!

Started by Skipystu, January 31, 2007, 05:23:38 PM

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Hello all, I am new to the site and the Bradley name. While searching last spring I came across the Bradley smokers and have wanted one since. Saddly I am not the one wearing the pants in this marriage! ;) SO I purchased a cheap side barrel charcoal smoker. Been using it and LOVIN IT! I think it is time to move on up in the world.

While I am keeping the side barrel smoker I am looking for something easier to use when I don't want to spend the day checking on the smoker. It is sounding like I should get the old faithful Bradley but I just can't help but want the more expensive BDS! Without having the interest in building something myself to advance the basic, which do you guys think I should get?

How different are these smokers from a side barrel smoker? ??? I tend to throw a brisket, pork loin, and ribs on all at once. Will I be able to do that with the Bradley? Or will I get stuck with things drippin on other things and ruining the rubs? Will I spend hours cleaning it out?

I understand smoking is an art and I love doing it but there are just those times when I can't spend the time. :-\

Any help or input would be great. Thanks for the time! ;D


P.S. I'm not from Iowa - I'm in New Jersey


new jersey... lovely newark... iowa is sounding prety good right now...

i clean the drip tray and the racks and the door seal and the water bowl but nothing else... takes less than 5 minutes to clean up and put it away after any smoke...

i do full loads of mixed beast with no adverse dripp or rubb issues noted to date... its just a matter of figuring out what beast goes where and what internal you are looking for each beast...

with the bradley its all about internal beast temp for most smokes... low and slow to desired internal...

you could score a original smoke generator and fit to your own box... and add a pid or temp switch...

you gotta eat...

i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


Skipystu - welcome to the forum.  You will be happy with any of the Bradley line.  I personally think the Original or the Stainless Original is better than the Digital in the long run.  Less expensive too.  I have the stainless.  Be sure to keep your other smoker for the exceptionally large jobs and for beef steaks. ;)
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yes go original and build a PID.  Welcome aboard.

West Coast Kansan

I have a DBS and would say go origional and use the extra money to add the toys (PIDS, fans etc) as you see them adding value. UNLESS being able to set the temp and not worry about it is real important to you the DBS will give you a quick start. 

The OBS takes a few tweaks on the heat slider to get it dialed in but folks here report being able to get the hang of it pretty quick. The DBS has temp swings that are larger than the OBS, however much less than you are used to on your current unit.

O, described the difference well. Bradley is about LOW and SLOW and Internal Temp is the name of the game.

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Welcome to the forum Skipystu.  :)

I have an unadulterated SS OBS, no modifications whatsoever and would thoroughly recommend it.

To me the modifications mentioned here on the forum are a nicety, not a necessity (tho I am sure others will see it differently) and the basic OBS straight out of the box and seasoned, will produce excellent smoked food.

I have left mine to look after itself for several hours without a problem once you get a "feel" for the temperature control slider.

The point being by buying the basic model you then have choices to modify or not and what extra $$'s to spend as you see fit, plus the money saved initially over the DBS can be spent on jerky racks, bubba pucks and the like.

Personally I would rather have an OBS +/- PID than the DBS.



Hello all!

Thank you for the quick responses!

I am still just not sure! I want to get this right the first time.

ManxMan - I would prefer to 'set and forget it'. If I want to really do the full hard experience, I have the charcoal smoker. When you say the temp swing is not as bad as my other smoker, are you referring to the OBS or DBS? If the DBS has less of a temp swing I might go for the DBS. My charcoal smoker is a victim to the wind and I never know when food will be ready! I want to remove that variable some.

owrstrich - I read in the online manual most of the parts are dishwasher safe. So from what you have commented I can just throw that all in the dishwasher and clean the door seal.

It does sound though from all your response that I should go with the OBS and take time to get used to the heat slider. I really don't think I would take the time to add all the extras. I looked those posts over and it seems like getting the parts is a hassle!

Anyone have any input on which is better - Stainless Steel or the OBS? Or is it all about the appearance?

Thanks again guys


P.S. Northern Jersey! Not Newark and not farm land. Nice little area.


QuoteOr is it all about the appearance?

Bottom line regarding choice of black or stainless steel original BS is about appearance, otherwise they are identical.

The Stainless Steel is probably about the cheapest SS you can get and benefits from a bit of TLC, I give it a wipe over with a lightly oiled cloth from time to time. I just happened to get a better deal on the SS model otherwise I would have been equally happy with black.

Whichever model (OBS/DBS) you get the water bowl in the base has to be changed every 4 hours of smoking which is important from a safety point of view, so that does limit the time you can "set and forget" in any case.

Once I got a feel for the slider temp control on the OBS I find it pretty easy to maintain a pretty constant temperature, use of a remote thermometer such as the Maverick ET-73 also helps get a feel for temp control and allows you freedom to do other things.

Wind will affect all smokers and the BS is no exception, temp control may be more difficult on windy days.

I have no direct knowledge of the DBS, just what I have gleaned from other users here so any specific questions you have in this area I will leave for DBS owners. However to date I have not read anything that makes we want a DBS over my OBS. ;)



Hi Skipystu and welcome, well the guys have said it all really, i have a black OBS and it really is a great lil'smoker, btw that's where my name comes from ;D. Seriously though, these smokers are very easy to use, and make smoking a lot of fun. I have used mine for hot and cold smoking with fantastic results, whatever model you choose i'm sure you'll be pleased with, but if i had to choose all over again i would go with the OBS.

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West Coast Kansan

Quote from: Skipystu on February 01, 2007, 07:07:21 AM

I would prefer to 'set and forget it'. If I want to really do the full hard experience, I have the charcoal smoker. When you say the temp swing is not as bad as my other smoker, are you referring to the OBS or DBS? If the DBS has less of a temp swing I might go for the DBS. My charcoal smoker is a victim to the wind and I never know when food will be ready! I want to remove that variable some.
OBS is reported less temp swing than DBS. The DBS is less than current.  Really matters very little except in sausage but again. You will be learning to smoke to an Internal Temperature.  Either unit will be enjoyed greatly. The OBS does provide a less expensive base to build on... dont count out your future desire to play with the unit...it comes on unexpectedly.

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)


Ok Ok ... The verdict is in!!  ???

I found a pretty good deal on an OBS on ebay which comes with teh all season cover and a 60 box of discs. Figure I will order it some time this weekend.  ;D

And yes I have been taking another look at the PID items and MIGHT stop by Radio Shack and see what these parts look like in person. I doubt I will do anything with the PID idea until I have gotten the hang of the OBS on it's own. I like to understand things before I take the easy route.  ::)

I wanted to thank you all for your help and input. I will stay on this great and friendly forum keeping up on the latest BS news. Ha! BS .. sorry I'm new!  ;)

I will post back after my first use or two! I think I will do my famous brisket first!

Thanks again!


While you are shopping for a Bradley, we have a forum member that sells them (Chez Bubba).  You might want to check out his prices as well. ;)  http://www.chezbubba.com/
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Thanks for the link Wildcat but not to upset but every alarm my computer haswent off when I tried to enter that site.

I did a google search on it as well and it seems they have their meta tags coded incorrectly. You can see them displaying in the Google description which is also not right! I will check there site from time to time and see if I can't get it to load without setting every alarm off.

For now I think I am going with the OBS, 60 puck box, and the all weather cover for $344.75 with free shipping. Best deal I have seen online yet! Saddly with the weather so cold I doubt I will be using it till the temp reaches above single digits!


I would recommend getting some bubba pucks and jerky racks from the word go.

Bubba Pucks help keep the puck heater plate cleaner and save a few wooden pucks with each smoke and the non-stick coated jerky racks are easier to keep clean and finer meshed than the chrome ones that come as standard.


Chez does have some good combo sets at good prices.


Yes i second what manxman has recommended, the bubba pucks make a big difference, keep things clean and no wasted bisquettes.
If you can't get on Chez bubba's site, maybe you could contact him through this forum?

He's very helpfull, and i'm sure he'd put you straight  ;)

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