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PID Details & Photos

Started by Mr Walleye, February 03, 2007, 02:55:58 PM

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Mr Walleye

Here is my finished PID. Well sort of, I'm still waiting for my SSR to replace a faulty one. I can't say enough about Auber Instrument's customer service. Great people! As I had said before I was unable to locate a suitable project box so I went to my favourite hardware store and start snoopin around to see what I could find. I finally decided on a 4" 45 degree PVC elbow. I thought you guys might be interested in the finished product.

Here's the parts list:

Auber Instruments
1/16 DIN PID (for SSR Output) Model SYL-2352
25A SSR Model RS1A40D25

Round face Mini Panel Jack Model RMJ-K-R
T/C Assembly W/Trans Joint Model TJ96-CASS-316U-3-SB-SMPW-M

The Source by Circuit City (like Radio Shack in USA)
Panel Mount Fuse Holder & 8 AMP Fuse
Heat Sink Compound
Terminal Strip

Misc. Hardware
4" PVC 45 Degree Elbow
2 – 4" PVC End Caps
Heat Sink From a CPU Motherboard
Misc. Wire, Connectors, Screws, Lead Weights, Etc.

Below photo shows the interior view with the 2 - 1.5 lb lead bars I used to make sure the base was well weighted as not to fall over. You can also see the cut out for the SSR/heat sink at the rear and the TC panel jack & panel mount fuse holder on the left side.

Below photo shows how I created the SSR/heat sink and mount. Basically what I did was cut down the heat sink to the appropriate size. Next I designed an aluminium bracket to go in-between the SSR and the heat sink. I applied the heat sink compound to both sides of the bracket and bolted it together.

Below photo shows as interior view once everything is mounted just prior to attaching the top cap with the Auber PID mounted in it.

Below photo shows the finished PID.

Below photo shows the rear view of the finished PID. Note the direction of the cooling fins of the heat sink. Something my computer guru guy who supplied me with the heat sink said was if you are installing a heat sink with out a fan on it make sure it is mounted in such a fashion that the cooling fins are vertical. By doing it this way the heat sink cools itself better because heat naturally rises which creates air flow.

Below photo shows the bracket I made for the Omega TC. I more or less copied the design of the ET73 bracket. It started as a piece of stainless steel trim for a newer GMC truck (another buddy runs a salvage yard). I trimmed a piece to 4" by 5/8". Next I trimmed the ends so they were 3/8" wide for about 1/2". This is to allow the bracket to not only fit the standard racks but also the jerky racks. The Omega TC is 3/16" but the hole needs to be 7/32" because the TC shaft will pass through on an angle.

Below photo shows the bracket attached to a jerky rack.



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West Coast Kansan

Mr. Walleye, Very nifty idea for an enclosure! Clever Guy! ;)

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)


Guess we'll have to modify the National Electric Code to accommodate this invention...   :o

Very nice. That heat sink looks like it can take a kilowatt.  :D



Well done Mr Walleye, nice design and a very neat job, i'm still waiting to get a bit of time to sort out a PID, hope it turns out as good as yours, i'll be well pleased  ;)
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Mr Walleye

Thanks Guys!

It wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for everybody's excellent help and intructions both here and on Olds recipe site.


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Thats pretty high tech looking Mr Walleye. Great job.


Mr Walleye

Thanks NePas

When you can't get what you want you have to get creative and make it!


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Did you do a fan install yet?
I been wanting to but i am looking at a 4cfm from bbq guru, seams like it might do the same thing except its not ccw like in the forum posts. Was thinking on putting it on the opposite side of the sg and just above the v-tray. Any suggestions.

The more i look at your pid the more i like it. I would get my air brush out and camo that puppy if i made one like that. Hmmm maybe for my cookshack?


Mr Walleye

Hey NePaS... Hmmmm... Air Brush! Just when I thought I was done!  ::)

Awww He11, your never done!  ;D

I'll have to take a photo of the PID once it's in it's new home. I added some shelving in my garage installation beside the DBS and I plan to have it on one of them. The overall height is only 8 inches so it won't take up much space.

I did do the circulation fan mod. I put it in the traditional location just above the V tray in the centre at the back. I can't help but think the most balanced location for the circulation fan is at this location. I would think if you had it to one side it would tend to push or pull, depending on rotation, heat and smoke to one side of the box because the box is wider than it is deep. I could be wrong but that's just my thoughts.

Keep us posted if you move ahead with doing it.

I absolutely love tinkering with things. Good enough never is!  ;D


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Mr Walleye,

Very nice and what a innovative idea for the enclosure, makes it a one of a kind!!! ;)



pids... temp switches... puck presses... fans... recipes and chat site... quite a bunch here at the bradley smoker forums...

you gotta eat...


i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


Mr. Walleye
If you will copy this over to http://www.susanminor.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=2 open forum, I will add it to the Bradley Accessories http://www.susanminor.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=27

Nice job!

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Mr Walleye

Thanks for the compliment Olds.
This would not have been possible with out the helpful people hear and at your recipe site. I only hope I can help out half as much. I posted it and it appears to be there.


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Quote from: Mr Walleye on February 04, 2007, 12:29:38 PM
Thanks for the compliment Olds.
This would not have been possible with out the helpful people hear and at your recipe site. I only hope I can help out half as much. I posted it and it appears to be there.

Very nice job Mike. Did you shop online for the parts? I have got to take the time and get one put together soon for my smaller smokers. Any info on buying the parts would be great. Thanks. Pat

Mr Walleye

Hi Iceman

I did shop online for most of it, except for the misc. stuff. Because I don't have a PayPal account I just sent Auber Instruments an email with what I wanted and he setup an Invoice with PayPal that doesn't require an account. Once I paid for it, he shipped it. Great service! As far as Omega goes I just ordered it online via credit card. Omega has an office here in Canada so I ordered it from their site to stay away from the brokers fees coming across the border. Everything else is easily available at electronic of hardware stores. I think the jury is still out if you really need the heat sink but hey... it looks impresive! A heat sink is easily salvagable from a tired computor board.

Really not hard to put together, just takes a little time playing with things to get them to fit properly.


PS If you want Suyi's (Auber Instruments) email address let me know and I'll sent it to you.

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