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Pork Shoulder

Started by smokerman, February 24, 2007, 07:39:03 AM

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Well,  have my first pork shoulder in the DBS.  Started about 6:30 Fri evening.  40 deg. in garage,
185-210 box temp 9 lb. shoulder, int. temp 167 @ 10.45 am.  smellin good, but looks like it might be
awhile yet. cole slaw is made, going to start baked beans soon. Boy its hard not toget in a hurry.
Mybe get some pics later.


oops, should be 167 @ 9:45 am.


Hi smokerman, if it's pulled pork, you want an internal meat temp of 185-190  ;)


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You know - I need to eventually get around to doing one of those!  Just be sure not to rush it smokerman and good luck.  Post some photographs.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Yeah Wildcat you should treat yourself to one, after reading this post earlier i suddenly got a craving for pulled pork  ;D
So i have a pork shoulder/butt in the BS right now, should be ready for FTC in the morning  ;)

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I looked for one at the store earlier this afternoon.  Did not like what I saw and was a little high in cost at that.  I will wait until I can get over to Sam's.  Enjoy yours and post some pics. ;)
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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West Coast Kansan

Hi Sman, your done by now but by practice I will start to cheat the temps up about now to maintain the tower about 30F above the IT of the shoulder or butt.  Works for me.

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: Wildcat on February 24, 2007, 04:35:44 PM
I looked for one at the store earlier this afternoon.  Did not like what I saw and was a little high in cost at that.  I will wait until I can get over to Sam's.  Enjoy yours and post some pics. ;)

In my area, for about the past 30 to 45 days the local super markets have had better prices, and selections on meat than Sam's. My last few trips to Sam's has been disappointing. Hopefully Sam's prices will start coming down, and the meat selection improves soon.



 Yea hab. wildcat the price of pork has been up there in ca to maybe we need a nation wide pole on pork prices.
Here in roseville ca it is $1.85 for front shoulder roast.


i got  4 boneless pig arses last weekend at smart n final in orange ca for $1.19 per pound...

this weekend the boneless pig arses were $1.89 per pound...

i have got them there for as much at $2.29 per pound... and as low as $0.99 per pound over the last 5 years...

these are stamped ip for iowa pork or iowa packers or iowa producers or iowa something and are frozen and are packed 2 arses to a sack...

you gotta eat...


i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


Great Price at S&F Owrstrich.  Just picked up a 12 lb'er for $1.59 a pound at Costco. Next weekend's project.
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I can live with a higher price if I have to, but not when the quality is lacking I draw the line.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Yeah i agree Wildcat, quality is everything where meat is concerened ;)

Just out of interest i wondered how good the Costco meat is in the states and Canada?, over here in the u.k. the Costco meat is of very high quality, and has a really good reputation.

I personaly have never had any that's not up to scratch from Costco, good meat and priced very fair imo.

I buy quite a bit of meat direct from a farm, this meat is very expensive, but it's a far cry from the supermarket stuff ::)

Depending on what i'm after there are three places that i get my meat from, local butcher, the farm, or Costco and between the three i usually manage to get what i'm looking for.

I know lots people buy meat online and say it's great, but i wouldn't fancy that, i like to see what i'm buying  ;)
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So far the only meat I buy online are my steaks.  I get them from Omaha Steaks and they are top notch.  A little high in price, but they do have an occassional special and then I load up. ;D
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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QuoteI know lots people buy meat online and say it's great, but i wouldn't fancy that, i like to see what i'm buying

I'm with you on that LS, poor quality meat ain't never going to be good no matter what you do with it no matter whether it is the most expensive or the cheapest cut!