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Total Frustration

Started by Boybach, March 25, 2007, 05:09:56 AM

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hi y'all
Spoken with Grakka (Bradleys UK representatives) and they are sending me a complete new sliding control plus a pack of Briquettes as compensation. I have to remove the screws on the bottom of the Cabinet front  remove a few wires, insert the new slider control and reconnect :'(. Will let you know how it goes. Perhaps with a change of fortune - and similar to the clocks having gone forward an hour on Saturday - things will now get brighter and besides having a working BS I will also have a normal body temperature as well. Once again thanks to you all for putting up with my rage at the week-end and for your words of support :)

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So what did you do with the ready prepared meat and fish, hope it didn't go to waste!  :o

Let us know how you get on when you finally get to use your BS......  ;)


Hi Manxman
Cooked the Sirloin asper your instructions 30min blast at high heat followed by about 2 hours on low heat. It was a 8lbs lump from our own herd and it was quite rare after this time. It had been hung for 36 days and had about 6 days in the fridge at home. I t tasted quite divine and melted in the mouth. The fish is still in the fridge but had a chicken liver pate my wife knocks up in about 7mins or so. It is a fantastic Pate and the recipe follows - I really do reccommend it
For 10 people
16 ozs Chicken livers
10 ozs Butter
4 Tablespoons Brandy or Sweet Sherry
4 Tablespoons English dried Mustard Powder
2 Teaspoons dried mixed Herbs (Parsley sage thyme etc)
4/6 cloves fresh Garlic
Salt and pepper

1. Melt 1 oz of the butter in a pan and add chicken livers
    Fry on medium heat for 5 mins turning constantly
2. Remove from heat and put into Blender
3. Melt remaining butter and add to blender
4. Add Brandy/Sherry
5. Add herbs, mustard powder and garlic and season well with salt and pepper
6.  Blend to coarseness you require. 
Put into loaf tin or round basin or bowl and put into fridge for couple of hours until solidified. Eat with hot buttered toast.
It tastes even better the following day and continues to improve with age. My wife reckons it will keep for about 2 weeks but it never lasts that long in our house
Bon Appetit
Neil now  ;D

Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


Hi Boybach, glad Grakka are getting you sorted, hopefully now your luck will change for the better, i'm sure it will ;)

Thanks for posting that pate recipe, i'll certainly give that a try, and let us know how things go with the OBS ;)

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 The smoke is on !!  ;D

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When Pigs fly around here,there's a trail of smoke comin from em !!


Smoke on. ;D smoke often then smoke some more. ;D

Just another weekend with the smoker...


Quotechicken liver pate my wife knocks up in about 7mins or so.

Thanks for this recipe Boyback, I love chicken liver pate.

Glad the sirloin turned out well, must be nice to eat meat from your own herd as you know what has gone into the meat from start to finish! Do you farm full time?  :)


I think you'll enjoy the Pate Manxman. No I'm not a full time farmer although I own a farm.

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Hi y'all
Great news just had courier delivery from Grakka UK with new Temperature Control PCB complete with slider knob. Thank you Grakka for such prompt Customer Service and for the large pack of Briquettes. It has taken less than 10 mins to fit and am presently sitting in the sunshine 1445BST with an indicated temperature here in London of 18 C with an OBS just starting its seasoning cycle and yes whoopee the temp in the cabinet is rising, the smoke generator is generating and all here is well. I will not be cooking today but now going to plan for next week-end. I think I'm at last on my way. Cheers everybody from a very very happy novice ;D ;D ;D

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That's great news Boybach, finally you're back on track!

Bet you can't wait to get that BS christened!  ;)
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Great news Boybach, and a large pack of pucks to play with!! Life IS good!  ;)


Well what can I say - Grakka/Bradley Customer Service is second to none. Today I am told there is a complimentary Bradley DVD on its way to me which they hope will help me get useful knowledge on the OBS. Thanks Grakka/Bradley you have more than a very satisfied customer ;D ;D

Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


Quotecomplimentary Bradley DVD on its way

Wow, a DVD and free pucks...... excellent news! I have always been impressed with Grakka but that seems to take customer service to new levels. Good news for all potential customers here in the UK.  :)


This is great news!  Now you can sit back with a cold one and enjoy.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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   Great news! Break out the punch and rum again....Enjoy your smoker the way it is supposed to be enjoyed-----Full of smokes   Cajun
There is a place for all of Gods animals right next to the mashed potatos and gravy