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Can i use it inside?

Started by Toker, April 08, 2007, 01:12:42 PM

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Hi there sorry for stupid question but im really green in it and i need to know something one and for all; Can i use it inside my home like in my kitchen or in my basement? if not why info would be about (for) the original not the digital thx


No, the smoke will fill the inside of the structure unless you provide venting for the smoker.  Some do garage smoking etc. by using a range hood or a direct power vent to the outside.
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I'm sure O will respond to this....yes, he smokes inside quite often, it takes a little ingenuity but he does it.
--"Fight back! Whenever you are offered violence, fight back! The aggressor does not fear the law, so he must be taught to fear you. Whatever the risk, and at whatever the cost, fight back!" -- Lt. Colonel Jeff Cooper; USMC


do i only need to add a kind of cheminey or is there something to be carefull about the fire? if i put it in my kitchen thx for reply

Junk Yard Dog

I don't think you need to worry about the fire - there's no open flame.  I just built a table and moved mine into the garage yesterday.  I went to Lowe's and saw I can get a range hood for $72.  I'll need to buy the duct work though.  Since I would need to cut a hole in my roof, I just left a message for my regular contractor to come by and size up the job.  Shouldn't cost much.

Gary in Texas


but it is safe enough for an appartment? have no garage and no backyard live in an appart got and extra room and the block owner doesnt mine as long as itS safe.

Junk Yard Dog

Quote from: toker1313 on April 08, 2007, 03:27:15 PM
but it is safe enough for an appartment? have no garage and no backyard live in an appart got and extra room and the block owner doesnt mine as long as itS safe.

Hmmm. That complicates things.  When I was at Lowes, there were range hood models that said "ductless".  I think that means that they have a filter in them that would absorb smoke.  I don't know any details, but you might check that out.  I'm pretty sure that you don't want to smoke it in a room without some exhaust or filtration.
Gary in Texas


yes an kind of exaust (kind of boiler) that would take the smoke from the top of smoker to a window like an airclimatisation (sorry im french) that we use on summer of course with kind of table you talk


Welcome to the forum toker1313!  I would not recommend it for inside the house use, but if you have no other options, then it could probably be done with adequate venting.  If you do this, be sure to place it on something that is hard to catch on fire and have a good fire extinguisher available suitable for grease fires as there have been instances of grease fires with these units.  They are few and far between but do occur.   With proper use and a good back-up plan, I guess it can be done.
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some folks think that using the bs indoors is a fire hazzerd... you will have to figure out the risk for your specific application...

if you decide to smoke indoors here are some suggestions...

1... plug cords into a gfci outlet... better blow the gfi than the alternative...

2... if you have to use an extension cord... use short big fat thick ones... and use 1@ for the smoke generator and 1@ for the box...

3... use a fan and or fan / duct arrangement vented to the outside... either directly vented to the outside or out a window...

4... dont let the fan suck the smoke out of the bs... a negative pressure situation in the bs will mess up the beast... some kinda pressure relief system as simple as a hole or gap above the box vent can work ...

5... dont let the beast touch the inside walls of the box... if the beast touches the walls the goo will slide down the walls to the bottom... goo can catch on fire...

6... make sure you have water in your bowl... goo will drop to the v pan and drain into the bowl... watered down goo can catch on fire but not as easy as straight goo...

7... if you have sprinklers or fire alarms you have to be careful not to set them off when you take peek...

8... feed me jerky...

you gotta eat...


i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


Thanks O, I was hoping you would show up on this one. ;)
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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thx everybody for helping me!

Habanero Smoker

There use to be pictures of owrstrich's set up. I couldn't find them, but I've seen how he set his up in motel rooms. So if you take his advice you shouldn't have any problems setting one up in your apartment.



O's advice all good....except half of #7. Don't sweat the fire sprinklers....they activate from temperature, not smoke (as too many TV/movies would have us believe!). As O says though, the smoke detectors WILL activate to smoke/steam!

The other thing is that your house WILL smell like smoked stuff if you smoke indoors, regardless of venting....the more you use it the stronger it is and the longer it lasts. Personally, I don't see that as a "bad" thing, but my wife would disagree, so mine stay in the garage/shop... :o


Yeah "O" is the man when it comes to indoor Bradley action! without doubt.

Having said that, i believe "O" keeps this activity to hotels/motels?, but doing the indoor smoke at the place where you live, and on a regular basis puts a different angle on things i think?

If you had a balcony/verander you would probably be o.k., but inside your apartment, even with adequate ducting, i wouldn't fancy it much :-\

Maybe you should spend some time on the road with "O" before making your mind up! :o

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