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Bradley Smokers VS Masterbuilt Smokers

Started by SmokeinIndy, April 27, 2007, 09:45:00 AM

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Greeting all, I'm new to the forum but here's my questions;

I've been looking at the Bradley digital smoker and the masterbuilt smoker sold at sam's club and I'm wondering if anyone has any options, concerns or sarcastic remarks about which one is best.  I'm looking for a electric smoker for the easy of use but I'm concerned about the max temps and I have no experience with the bradley bisquette system.

Please advise!!!!


Ive seen those at sams and didnt intrest me much .Lots more to clean bradley is a set it forget it deal .Plus the wood puck deal seems to be a way better controlled smoke the chips or sort.So my advice even though i had this bs i would still say go original bradley and you will be happy.Ive done my research before buying stuff.And besides nepas here believe me i spend money like theres no tomorrow on gagets. ;D

Just another weekend with the smoker...


SmokeinIndy, well as this is the Bradley forum i think you'll have to expect biased opinions, and for good reason to. The Bradley is a real nice pice of kit, ease of use with fantastic results. As for the Masterbuilt.....i haven't a clue if it's any good or not?, why would i need to?, i have a Bradley  ;)

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Hey SmokeinIndy. I bought my DBS in March.  I went through the this vs that, and I settled on the bradley mainly because of the ease of use. The pucks are very available for me, and to just put a bunch of pucks in, let the DBS cook away, it just didn't get any easier than that. I like my things automatic, and this is as close that I could find to that!
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Tiny Tim

Before I bought, I compared them in the Cabela's catalog, and decided that the Bradley would be easier to use, meaning I'd be more interested in using it more often, meaning it was worth the money.

The Mastersbuilt does look like a quality unit, and still fairly easy to use, limiting smoke time to "X" is easier with the Bradley.  I put my probes in the meat when I put them in the smoker, load the pucks (along with my aluminum ones to push the last smoke puck off the plate), and then only check temps, never opening the door again until I hit the IT.  May have to change that policy for a Brisket though...not sure.


Welcome Smokeinindy!  I also did a lot of searching (about 6 months) before selecting the Bradley.  Best decision regarding cooking appliances I ever made.  It is amazing.
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For what it's worth I've purchased a couple of the Masterbuilt units just to convert over to the Bradley generators because they have an insulated tower. They have a very small heating element that works only because of the insulated cabinet. The temp swings are just like any other unit with weather and temps affecting it. By the time the conversion was done you have more money into it with a lot more labor. Bottom line I would say would be to stick with the Bradley. No wood chip worrys and a lot more cleaner operation. If you have extra money to toss out try converting one for the fun of it. If not just get a Bradley. ;D


First of all, welcome and good luck with your decision.  If you spend time sampling some of the interesting threads on this site, I think you'll find not only a lot of attention to detail, but also a great deal of smoking experience in the senior members.  Plenty of experience tinkering and fixing and improving too.  What I'm trying to say is, I think most of the people who actively post to this website are the types that do their homework and would not buy any machine without good cause.  I think that speaks volumes about their decision to purchase a Bradley.

I did my research on these machines too, mainly because I didn't like the idea of shelling out that much money for a smoker.  After I made the decision to buy, and actually took the digital out for a test drive, I never questioned my decision.  This machine truly simplifies the smoking process and produces very good results.

If you're used to wood or charcoal smokers, you'll probably have some concerns during your first smoke.  The smoke aroma is somewhat different-- and let's face it-- the whole idea of using these compressed wood pucks as fuel just doesn't feel right.  You'll get over that once your ribs or butt or whatever is finished.  This machine is magic and I have never read on this site any post expressing regret at purchasing a Bradley (although some wish they purchased a different bradley model).

Then there's the company support.  The techs are friendly and responsive.  They go the extra mile to help their customers.

If you decide to buy a bradley, I am confident that you will be happy with your decision

(Okay Bradley, where's my commission?)


I also did months of research before deciding on the Original Bradley.  I have never been sorry and find the convenience and ease of operation of the Bradley second to none.  Good luck with your decision and I hope to see you often on the forum.
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Welcome SmokInIndy,
Bradley Service does seem to be second to none as are the support crowd here.
This is more of a question for the Iceman that he may be able to answer, but does the Masterbuilt alow you to truely cold smoke?  There is a lot that can be done with cold smoke and all else aside, may help you decide as well.
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Thanks for all the feedback.  I really appreciate the great response and passion.  Make me feel really good about the Bradley Smoker.  My next question is simply; Original Bradley or Digital....I'm leaning towards the digital....


I like my digital, but as you'll read in other posts, the generator samples temps infrequently and box temp fluctuates around 10 degrees up and down from the temp setting.  I haven't noticed any problem with the end result and like the conveniance of the temp setting.

I think Mr. Walleye did a temp comparison study before building a PID for his digital.


The best advice I can give is let your pocket book be your guide.  The folks here that have the original love it to death and many have created a superior temperature control device (PID) for under $100 to control the temp within +- 1 or 2 degrees.  The folks here that have bought the digital, love it as well although are surprised that with digital there isn't the +- 2 degree already built in.  I like the convenience of being able to set a specific oven temperature and having a more precise control on adjusting the set point up and down.  The digital also comes in a 6 rack version (the one I have) if capacity is a concern.  The one draw back to the digital is there is a timer on the oven and on a long smoke and cook session, you will have to add more hours to the timer as it's limit is 9 hours and 40 minutes.  There have been a few here that have gone to bed without resetting the timer and had it run out of time in the middle of their slumber.  From a manufacturing stand point it is diasppointing that this great appliance has those two short comings but they are not show stoppers or a reason to dismiss the box in any way (IMHO).
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West Coast Kansan

I always have sarcastic comments  :D  :D   :D but you seem to be past that now. 

I like Gizmos summary  ;D

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)