Quite a weekend with the OBS

Started by Carter, July 15, 2007, 03:36:40 PM

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Hi Guys,

I had a great weekend with the smoker.  I posted a few pics of my experience cooking Kummok's Hot Smoked Salmon.

This is Friday night's adventure with a pound of Beef Tenderloin and some leftover pork loin.

The rub is a Garlic Paste with black and white pepper, and I cooked the whole thing for about 2 hours.

It was delicious and I'd be happy to post the recipe if people are interested.




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Post it up along with the cooking method.
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Looks great!, please post recipe/details

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Looks good and juicy. Nice pic story.
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


Would love to get the recipe. Big fan of garlic and the garlic paste rub looks good.


That looks like a keeper to me. Please post the recipe when you get a chance. ;D


The first thing I did was a Roasted Garlic Mash:
1 whole head of Garlic
1 tablespoon of kosher salt
1 teaspoon of olive oil

I broke the head of the garlic into individual pieces (but did not peel them) and then dry roasted them in a skillet for aobut 8 minutes or so stiring them around often so they wouldn't burn on one side.  Once soft I removed them, peeled them and put them in a morter (or is it pestle?  I always mix the two up).  Mash the garlic with a pestle then added salt and oil until I had a rough puree.

I rubbed the meat with the paste and put some pepper it (a combo of Black and white pepper with a ratio of 1 tablesppon black to half teaspoon white.  It seemed like a lot of pepper so I only used what looked right to me) then wrapped it in plastic wrap for 30 minutes at room temperature, while I was heating up the smoker (200 to 250 was the goal for temperature).

I then seared the meat for 30 seconds each on every side, and transferred the meat to the smoker.

The recipe I was using called for 1.25 to 1.5 hours of cook time for 2 lbs of meat to get to rare territory.

I had a pound of meat and ended up cooking for close to 2.5 hours and my instant read thermometer was still only showing 130 in some parts and 140 in others.  I don't mind blood red rare for tenderloin, but it's not really my wife's cup of tea.  I took it off the smoker, foiled it for 10 minutes and was surprised to find out once I sliced into it that the meat was medium rare, bordering on medium.  I guess my instant read thermometer is off.  I was also wondering if it might be because the piece of meat was so small.

In any event, we ate it as is, no sauce no nothin'.  It was amazing.  The meat was like butter it cut through so easily.  One of the nicest pieces of meat I've ever had.   Strongly recommend it.

A pound easily covered my wife and I and we had enough left overs to get a sandwhich and a half the next day (what a terrible thing to do to a tenderloin.  If it had been winter I probably would have put it in Chili).

I only did an hour worth of smoke.  2 Maple 1 Cherry.


Oh, one more thing before I take credit for inventing this recipe.  It's called "Simply elegant Beef Tenderloin" and it's from the Smoke & Spice Cookbook


Just want to make sure I'm clear: you used a (gasp) beef tenderloin recipe for your pork tenderloin?  Just kidding, of course.

I pretty much put garlic, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning on everything.  Then I look for a recipe  ;D

Looks great.


Great looking results.  Looks awesome.  Thanks for sharing.
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