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Started by sherlock, July 26, 2007, 03:26:27 AM

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 :( After patiently waiting for delivery of my new DBS, I set it up and proceeded to begin seasoning it. Got out a heavy duty extension cord and plugged it in. The digital readout came to life and about three seconds later it went blank.

I unplugged the unit from the extension cord and re-connected it and again the readout came to life and again after three seconds it again went blank.

Tried another extension cord, ditto. Tried another receptacle, ditto.

Disconnected all the unit connections and reconnected, ditto.

Customer service is only open to 4:30 AM, PST and naturally, I was calling around 8:00 PM EST. I will try earlier tonight to see if this can be resolved over the phone in case the problem is of an "Operator Error" type.


Wish me luck...................

Mr Walleye

Sherlock.... did you get it working yet?

Try unpluging and repluging all the plugs on the unit itself includding the small wire (sensor wire). Even try reversing the sensor wire. A common problem is not getting them pluged in all the way. Also, some of them just seem to be a tight fit.

Let us know how you make out.


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I have unplugged all the wires and reconnected them. I did not reverse the sensor wire. I will try that and also check the connections again (I did try to make sure they were in tight).




I posted this in the other thread.  I believe what you are see is normal if you have not pressed either power button on the control pannel after plugging the unit in.  Left for smoke generator and right side for oven.  :)
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I was reading this thread and was perplexed, but I think Giz hit it on the head.  When plugged, mine beeps, the display pops up, then goes blank.  Then if you hit the on button, you get the default setting with can be adjusted up or down.

Otherwise, I couldn't think why the machine would work, then blank.  If the fuse blew, you wouldn't expect it to power up the next time it was plugged in.

Tiny Tim

Informative thread...now if a customer is having the same problem, I know what to tell them.  Thank you.


Quote from: sherlock on July 26, 2007, 03:26:27 AM
:( After patiently waiting for delivery blah, blah, blah, blah,  to see if this can be resolved over the phone in case the problem is of an "Operator Error" type.

Are you ready??????????????????????

The folks at Bradley, (Jessica), helped me get going very quickly.

As y'all said, the readout does indeed light up and then go out while waiting for input. I actually did push the power on/off button to no avail.

Here is the kicker. I am a very large person with thick fingers. My ring size is a 22. This can be a good thing sometimes and a bad thing at others.

I was reaching out and pressing the power button with the flat of my thumb and nada, zip, nothing would happen. I pushed softly and I pushed hard, nothing.

Jessica says the center of the button the actual switch part of the button. Try pushing the center of the button hard with the very tip of my finger instead of the flat part. The flat part will spread out the force over the whole button and the actual switch in the center may not be getting pushed.


There was light.

and all is well

Thanks everyone

Tiny Tim

Glad ya got it figured (fingered :D ) out.  I'm a pretty big guy myself, but only have a ring size of 16 (class ring..still fits even though I've gained since high school)...guess my fingers get a lot of exercise on these message boards. ;D

Some people claim that when they haul ass it takes 2 trips....well, it takes me 3-5 depending on my strength that day. :D ;D :P


I believe you are not the first poster on that problem as well.  Just didn't get there yet.  Some one else had the problem with not pushing the button hard enough or in the center (Sherlock Holmes I am not and I don't have the memory of an elephant either  :D).  Glad to here the support center was zeroed in for ya.
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