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Wish me luck people!

Started by KyNola, August 11, 2007, 12:13:50 PM

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Going to attempt smoking pork butts.  Have two at about 5 and half pounds each.  I think I am going to roll smoke for about 5 hours and then boat them in apple juice until internal temp gets to about 195.  Want the box temp to stay under 225.  Think I'm on the right track?   ??? Any help would be appreciated.  They will be appropriately rubbed first of course. :D



Just another weekend with the smoker...


5 hours of smoke may be more than you need but that is a taste choice.  I usually go to an IT of 185 but I have seen others go to 195 so that should work as well.  Best advice I can give you is to make note of the results and adjust the next time if you are not completely happy with it this time.
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Thanks for your advice.  I'm using your info from an earlier post about doing 2 butts, one in the BS, one in the oven after the smoke period.  I noticed you rolled smoke for 4 hours.  Where I'm from, we like pulled pork with a lot of hickory smoke which is why I elected to go 5 hours.  The butts are painted in mustard and rubbed with the succor rub from "Smoke and Spice" with onion powder and garlic powder added to the rub.

Once pulled and ready to eat, we have a BBQ sauce recipe to put on the meat.  There was an old gentleman in our town that BBQ'd for years.  Had a wonderful sauce.  Sorry to say he passed away a few years ago but his wife was friends with my mother in law.  My mother in law calls not too long ago and says would you like L.A.'s BBQ sauce recipe?  Ask me how quick I jumped through the phone!  I don't know if it is as good as I remember but it is the memory that counts.  As long as I keep making the sauce, L.A. keeps on living.

Here's to you L.A. :-*


Many of the folks new to the Bradley tend to relate to chunk smokers and the extremely long smoking times.  The Bradley is quite different in that respect and the best way to describe it is to say that the smoke seems more conentrated so therefore longer in not needed.  I have read many posts in the past where a few started out with longer times and gradually worked back.  (Would be cheaper to start short and gradually work forward.  ;) )

If you ever need a second opinion on L.A.'s sauce recipe, there are many here that would love to give their opinion.
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes - http://www.susanminor.org/


You have tons more experience than me with the Bradley so I'm going to cut the smoke period back to 4 hours as you suggest.  Looking forward to the finished product already!



I have tried smoking for 5+ hours and could not tell the difference between 4 and 5 hours.  IMHO anything over 4 hours is a waste of pucks.  I think others on here have posted this information as well in the past.

I personally like to take butts to 190 and keep cabinet temp at 200 to 210.  Be sure to have some patience as the meat temp will probably stall at some point while the fat is rendering.  It might even drop a little.  Do not be concerned as this will pass and you will be well pleased with the results.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Thanks for your take on smoke time.  I am going no further than 4 hours.  The Maverick is telling me the box temp is currently 226 but as the heat source cycles on and off it is averaging around 210-215 so I'm happy with that.  This is the first time I have done butts in the Bradley so I am anxious to see my first results.  Do you have an opinion on finishing them in the conventional oven after the smoke period vs. cooking completely in the Bradley?  I think I'm going to boat them in apple juice and finish them in the oven at 200-220.  Your opinion would be appreciated.


Hopefully you won't mind me jumping back in again, but last weekend I did one of each (full BS, full Oven), with both starting out in the BS for 4 hours of smoke.  I could not tell a difference.  This was just a single test mind you and I usually do all finishing in the oven.
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You were my inspiration to finish them in the oven.  I think I can control the heat better for cooking in the oven than I can in the Bradley.  Thanks so much for all of your information and suggestions.  Someday maybe I'll be able to pass on useful information to newbies too!  Thanks again!  :) :)



Giz is right on.  After the smoke the Bradley is only an oven.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Quote from: Wildcat on August 12, 2007, 04:10:09 PM
Giz is right on.  After the smoke the Bradley is only an oven.
But a nice oven at that. Who else can brag about a smoke infusion baking device but the Bradley folks. :D ;D


For me it is also a major convenience as my oven has a temperature probe and once the set IT is reached, the oven automatically goes into a hold mode at 150 Deg.  So, I can be a slacker and not mind the store at all.   :D
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