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Problem with my new DBS.

Started by Ukumfe, August 26, 2007, 11:16:26 AM

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I got my new DBS and seasoned it yesterday. Everything worked well. Today while smoking two turkey breasts the hot plate for the pucks quit burning them. I put one package of pucks in, 4 hours worth of smoke, and it didn't burn the last two. I have 2 Bubba pucks so it's not because they weren't on the plate.

I had plenty of time left on the timers for both the oven and the smoker. I turned off the smoker tried reseting and still wont burn the pucks. Everything seems to be working alright with the smoker side, it advances them fine all the timers and buttons seem to be doing their job. The hot plate just won't create smoke.....

Anyone have any suggestions in case it is just something silly causing my problem. Otherwise I guess come Monday I can call Bradley and see what they will do.

Mr Walleye

From your description it sounds like everything is functioning properly except the burner plate itself is not getting hot. I assume you have confirmed this by holding your hand near the burner plate. I would follow the wires into the smoke generator (you may have to take the generator apart) and make sure the wires are connected properly. It certainly would be possible during shipping, etc that a wire could have come loose. If not I would definitely give Bradley a call on Monday.

Good luck

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Hi folks - I am a new user of the forum and the BDS.

I could not figure out how to post a new question so I used reply to post my question, sorry about that.

I am new to smoking but have some friends who compete. From everything they have told me  a good sized brisket or pork putt can take 12, 14 hours or more to cook.

Why in the world does the timer only go to 9:40?

Is there any way around this design flaw and keep the infrared cooker on longer?

Mr Walleye

Hi John and welcome to the forum!

To post a new topic just select the topic page you want, then where the subject line of the threads are if you look all the way to the right you will see a few tabs, one of which is "New Topic".

I can't answer your question of "why" they would limit the timer to 9:40. Having said that the limit really never affected any of my smokes. Even when doing butts, sometimes up to 20 hours, it really asn't a big deal to just reset the timer before you go to bed. You will want to change the water bowl anyway.

Since that time I have added a PID so the timer limitation is no longer an issue. The other option is a BBQ Guru DigiQ.


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Hi Mike

Thanks for the reply.

What is a PID and what does it do?

What I feel is the issue about the 9:40 time  limit is that with a big brisket or butt that require a long cook time - I will either have to stay up late so I can sleep in or get get up very early to reset the timer. I am assuming that you do not want the smoker to cool down before the meat is done and then have to bring it back up to temp. I do not know if I am correct about that or not.

It just seems that a display with one more digit would have added virtually nothing to the cost of manufacturing, nor would charging 4 or 5 dollars more would cost them sales. If one will pay 479.00 - I am sure they would 484.00.

Thanks again

Mr Walleye

I agree, there really is no reason they couldn't have built it with out the limitation.

Prior to having the PID when I do a long smoke like a butt I will start it at 5 or 6 pm. I usually apply about 4 hours of smoke, so around 10 or 11 pm I dump the spent pucks, refill the water bowl and reset the timer. This would give me 9:40 of sleep time which is about 4 hours more than I can ever sleep.

A PID is a homebuilt control used to control the DBS or OBS. If dialed in correctly they will control the temp to +/- 1 or 2 degrees. Here is a couple of links. The first is a link to Olds recipe site that has a great set of instructions to build one. The second link is to some information on the one I built. Also, If you click on the smoker at the bottom of my post it will take you to Olds recipe site which has some great tried and true recipes.




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Quote from: johnchitown on September 11, 2007, 07:11:45 PM
Why in the world does the timer only go to 9:40?

Well, that is what happens when a software programmer is not a smoker   :o

Appears to be a timer limitation (microcontroller probably has a 16 bit counter with a 5 bit prescaler). Run it at 60 Hz zero crossing of the A.C. line, and that about gets you to 9:40.


Mr Walleye

Quote from: Arcs_n_Sparks on September 12, 2007, 05:56:22 PM
Appears to be a timer limitation (microcontroller probably has a 16 bit counter with a 5 bit prescaler). Run it at 60 Hz zero crossing of the A.C. line, and that about gets you to 9:40.


Huh!.........  ???

:D  :D  ;D


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Quote from: Mr Walleye on September 12, 2007, 06:02:44 PM
Huh!.........  ???

Step away from the microcontroller......  :D

Easy way to count time is to look when the A.C. power crosses zero volts. Happens 60 times/second in one direction (120 in both directions). A 5 bit prescaler is a simple divider (divide by 32). That output happens on roughly 1/2 second intervals. The output is an input to a 16 bit counter (typical in all microcontrollers). That divides by roughly 65,000. That gets you to about 34,952 seconds before it overflows. 9:40 is 34,800 seconds.

So...... The non-smoker programmer figures 34,800 seconds is plenty and avoids an overflow condition. Ouch...


Mr Walleye

Oh ya Arcs... That's alot clearer now!   ::)

It's kinda wierd... I sorta under stand it!  ;D


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


Quote from: Arcs_n_Sparks on September 12, 2007, 06:26:59 PM
seconds before it overflows.


Oh, Seconds before it overflows.  I see.  It is a toilet thing.   ::) ::)
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Well, that is what happens when a software programmer is not a smoker   :o

You are partially correct.  I spoke to a guy at the factory - and

Apparently, Bradley not only gave the project to a non smoker but one in China (I hope they did not put Lead or Anti Freeze in the Code) - but no one at Bradley took the time to write a detailed specification detailing what exactly was needed. Nor apparently did they do a detailed review of the prototype so they could demand fixes be made before final acceptance.

I guess Canadian companies are no different than here in the US. The only thing that matters is what will it cost - not is it correct.


I addition to the time limitation - after only 3 smokes it appears that the feeder mechanism in my smoke generator is not working correctly.

Before going to bed, I loaded the tube to the top with wood.

When I got up this morning - I found that only about 7 or 8 bisquettes had been used. When I opened the door the I found the bisquette
on the heat plate was nothing but ash, the next one in was smoldering and the one next to that was singed a little.

Anyone experience this problem?

I am going to calling Bradley and request a new generator.


Oh thats the doohicky thingymajigy kanooderswitch not working good  ;D  ;D



Quote from: johnchitown on September 13, 2007, 07:49:51 AM
When I got up this morning - I found that only about 7 or 8 bisquettes had been used. When I opened the door the I found the bisquette
on the heat plate was nothing but ash, the next one in was smoldering and the one next to that was singed a little.

Did they not feed, or did they hang up?