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DBS 4 rack - New User Questions

Started by dss_nut, August 29, 2007, 08:59:31 PM

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Hello All,

Looks like you've got a close neat group here and I did tons of research before deciding on the DBS on this forum help. I'm very happy with my decision but need to push myself away from doing the standard (4) full chickens from Costo :) My wife thinks that's all it can do :)

I'm looking into doing some Beef Jerky and saw some well documented recipes from Nepas that I'm going to try. Any others?

I was also looking to purchase the cover accessory and some bubba pucks but it looks like their website is no longer and they have closed their doors. Where can I get some bubba pucks? I'll probably order the cover directly from Bradley. Are the Jerky Racks really that much better than the standard racks?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm excited to move on to Jerky from Chicken :)


Mr Walleye

Hi Jeff and welcome!

I would skip the jerky racks because the coating tends to come off in short order. Instead I have bought an additional set of regular racks amd 2 sets of jerky screens. The screens lay inside the regular racks and work good.

As far as jerky recipes go I use a jerky mix/cure that is locally made but I believe it is very similar to the High Mountain products. I usually use whole muscle meat sliced about 1/4 inch thick. Mix the spice/cure with the meat and let it sit in the fridge over night. Next day I fire it in the Bradley at 170 degrees, vent about 3/4 open. I apply 1 hour & 20 minutes of smoke. You do want to rotate racks top to bottom and front to back long the way. I find that starting after about 3 hours your starting to take some off, some will take up to 6 hours. You just kinda have to get a feel for it.

Don't be scared to try a butt for some awsume pulled pork.

Good Luck

Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


First: Welcome to the family.  This machine really makes it easy to smoke/cook a nice meal, whether it be a brisket, seafood, pork products, vegetables, or (as MWS does) beer ingredients.  I think that whatever project you pick, you can search and find both decent recipes and decent cooking/smoking techniques.

For my $0.02, I'd rather see you do something piggish.  Chicken is one of my favorite meals, no matter how cooked, but smoked bird takes some finnesse.  It is way too easy to over smoke a bird; seems to act like a smoke sponge.

In my opinion, the easiest thing to try (with the most likely success, mind you) is a smoked butt for pulled pork. No shortage of opinions of how you accomplish a great meal on this site.  However, I've had good success with this overnight technique (thanks Rat) http://forum.bradleysmoker.com/index.php?topic=4528.msg39690#msg39690

Check out the Recipe site for some good seasoning ideas (follow the link after most members' /s/).  Otherwise, I've had good luck with two recipe books: Smoke and Spice; and Kirk's Championship Barbeque.

Good luck, and welcome again.


Hi and welcome dss_nut, as Consiglieri said pulled pork would be a nice option, it's quite a long haul smoke so would further the seasoning of your new BS  ;) although recipes for the BS are endless lots to choose from. If you're feeling adventurous you could try some ribs?, decisions....decisions  ::) ;D


<<< Click Me For Great Recipes


 Welcome Dss_Nut,

You can get the Bubba Pucks from Bryan at Yard and Pool (www.yardandpool.com).

Good Smoking

The Surgeon General may have been right, "Smoking is Addictive".


Welcome to the forum.  Butt is my recommendation or if you do not have that much time to spare, you may want to consider the chicken wrap http://www.susanminor.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


Welcome aboard  :D

Funny you should mentioin the close knit group here.   I will wholeheartedly admit that one of the major reasons I went with my BDS 6rack was this forum and its members.   They made more of an impact than any marketing I was exposed to.

Feel free to pick our brains and learn  (I am still newb myself). 



Hi Jeff dss_nut and welcome.

Here you will find a world wide family that most of us have never met. Its fantastic to know that there are honest genuine people here and I mean that Sincerly. Everyone here has shared good times and sad losses. Your in great company with a bunch a men & women who love what they are doing.

There are no silly or stupid questions here. So smoke on my friend and I'm sure we will all benifit.   Sorry my spelling aint that great  ;D



Quote from: NePaSmoKer on August 30, 2007, 06:30:52 PM
There are no silly or stupid questions here. So smoke on my friend and I'm sure we will all benifit.   Sorry my spelling aint that great  ;D
I think the only stupid question I've seen on this forum was the one I had  many months ago. That question was "The One I Never Asked". ;)
Welcome dss_nut ;D


Hi Jeff, Welcome to the forum and the company of some mighty friendly people. Please feel free to ask questions, share your adventures, or simply draw from the wealth of knowledge posted here.
May the fragrance of thin blue smoke always grace your backyard.

Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


So what did you cook and how did it turn out?  Any pictures (almost lunch out here)?