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My New Cold Smoke Setup...

Started by Mr Walleye, October 20, 2007, 08:59:28 AM

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Mr Walleye

Well... I've talked about doing this for some time now and I finally got around to doing it so I thought I would share some pictures of the project. I wanted to do this for a couple of reasons. First, obviously to cold smoke. The second reason is because I have my smoker setup in my garage I wanted to eliminate as much risk of fire as I can. There have been very few members here that have had any problems but the few that have I felt was caused by the spent pucks piled up enough that they were not in the water in the bowl, add to this grease dripping into the bowl onto the pucks that were not extinguished properly and you have potential for a grease fire in the smoker. Now this could obviously be prevented by simply emptying the spent pucks and refilling the water bowl and this is certainly why everybody does this. But, again, because this is in my garage I wanted to eliminate any chance of this happening.

I managed to get my hands on a 10 gallon hydraulic oil reservoir. It's made of 1/8 inch steel and is about 16 inches square and tall. It was new and never used so I didn't have to worry about the oil contamination. I had to cut a 4.5 inch hole for the generator, a 4 inch hole for the vent to the smoker and a 7 inch by 12 inch hole for the door. Next I built a door that was 14 inches by 9 inches to allow for a 1 inch overlap to insure a good seal. I discovered that if your use 1/4 inch carriage bolts in a 1/4 inch hole the square collar of the bolt works perfect to hang the generator on. I also used carriage bolts to make adjustable legs for it. I managed to get the door to seal very well and with the draw of the rising smoke to the tower unit I have no leaks at the door even though I didn't use any type of seal on it.

I ran it empty for 2 hours and the highest it got to was 87 degrees. I never even had any water in the bowl so I feel confident that once I have product and water in the bowl in there it will easily maintain a temp around 80 degrees. Anyway... I thought would share a few pictures of the setup.


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Tiny Tim

Very nice.

What are the helmets for?


very nice walleye, a real clean looking job

Mr Walleye

Thanks guys

Tiny... My son has a GSXR 750. Scary fast!

I take it for a rip every now and again but the thing is nuts. It red lines at around 16,000 rpm!  :o


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Now THAT'S a professional looking job! Talk about taking it to the next level...hope it works out well for you.


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Habanero Smoker



Really nice set up with some great pics. Thanks for sharing.
May the fragrance of thin blue smoke always grace your backyard.

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With all that room and nice shiny aluminum, where is the water jacket heat exchanger and second PID controller for cold smoke setpoint?   :D

Very nice......



What a sweet setup.....Is that the Cabella's dehydrator to the left? I don't see a beer fridge but I'm sure you have one close by and fully stocked... ;)

"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"

Mr Walleye

You bet Mike, that's it. Works great too! I ran about 20 lbs of jerky through it for the first test run.

Oh ya... beer fridge is there, just not in the picture. Stocked?.... On a regular basis!  ;)


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My kind of set up, Mr. W, complete with alphabetized puck inventory.  Definately, my type (that's type A) of setup.



Well Mike, i think it's safe to say that is the best Bradley set up by far!

I'm very envious!

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Mr Walleye

Thanks allot guys!

I love to tinker with things so everything is like a "work in progress" so to speak. I love making things that work good... work great!  ;)


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West Coast Kansan

Dream Set Up Walleye, Very nice indeed. Outstanding idea for the chamber.   ;D  ;D  ;D

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)