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Well, add me to the list of mourners

Started by Tiny Tim, November 12, 2007, 12:48:14 PM

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Tiny Tim

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this on here, but my cat Sherman has been going downhill since early summer...lost him today.  Pretty much knew it when I left for work, but the brave little guy did move from what I expected to be the place he took his last breath.

That's all I can manage on this subject right now...........


So very sorry TinyTim. We lost our beloved 15 year old Samoyed (our only child) this summer, so I can feel your pain. I wish there was something I could say...


I feel your loss Tim. Hang in there buddy  :'(


Mr Walleye

Sorry to here aout this Tiny. It's never easy and if he was suffering it may have been the best.

It's always difficult loosing a member of the family.


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So sorry Tiny. Hope this tough time passes quickly for you. Stand tall buddy and hang on.
Pat and Ann


Tiny Tim

Thanks guys.  I can offer up a little more now, I think.  We have 2 other cats too (Bela and Sneetch), who are the princesses of the house.  Every now and then for a treat, we give them all some canned cat food instead of the regular dry stuff that's dumped into a bowl.  I think Dad must have known last night, because Bela usually gets her nose into the can first, but Dad wanted to make sure Sherman got to eat first.  Bela got picked up, but Sneetch got to the can before Sherman could, but Sneetch got picked up too.  Dad brought the girls into the living room and asked which one I wanted (I picked Sneetch since I can usually get ahold of Bela) so we could let Sherm eat without interruption.

Bela was trying every trick she could think of to get away from Dad and go push Sherm out of the way, but just couldn't do it.  This is the longest time Sherman has taken in his turn at the can too, so he must have known he had a free run of it.

I also got a friendly little tap from Sherman yesterday.  I'm embarrassed that it got this bad, but his left eye had been "mattering" for a while, and got so it was completely covered with a crust because I wasn't watching it as close as I should have been.  Well, I noticed I couldn't see his eye, and picked him up to inspect closer.  Touched it and felt it was hard, so I grabbed a washcloth and got it loosened up enough that I could pull it off.  A little later I was still holding him, he was semi-reclined, I looked at him and asked if he could see and he reached up with his right arm and touched my mouth.  Not really like he was mad, more of a "hey, you have bad breath...turn away". :D

Gonna miss the little bugger, but I'm sure he knows how much he meant to me.

I'm telling ya'll this to help with my healing process too...I hope you don't mind.


Sorry about your loss TT.  I lost a couple of pets a couple years back and fully understand the pain and the need to share with others just how special they were.  Your in our thoughts.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Sorry to here about Sherman, Tim. We're cat people too and losing one is always heartbreaking.
Our second cat, Rembrandt, lived to be 23 before she passed and our last, BlackJack, made it to 18 years and when she died last year (actually the day after Thanksgiving) I was devastated.
It took four months of friends coaxing before I took a trip to the Humane Society to check out their adoption facility. I really believe that the cat finds you and not the reverse. So, anyway, only one out of all the adoptees showed any reaction to me and after "interacting" for twenty minutes I began the adoption process and two days later brought "Maya" to her new home. Cats have such diverse and unique personalities that each is a whole new experience and comparisons to there predisessors bring back warm memories. So when you think your ready, leave your options open and look around for another little deserving friend that needs a great home like you gave Sherman. They'll find you! ;)  
The Artmiester

"BBQs not the only pleasure in this world but it's way ahead of whatever's in second place."


I would like to send out my deepest regrets Tim I to know what it's like to loose a pet.

Tiny Tim

Quote from: Artmiester on November 12, 2007, 02:09:40 PM
Sorry to here about Sherman, Tim. We're cat people too and losing one is always heartbreaking.
Our second cat, Rembrandt, lived to be 23 before she passed and our last, BlackJack, made it to 18 years and when she died last year (actually the day after Thanksgiving) I was devastated.
It took four months of friends coaxing before I took a trip to the Humane Society to check out their adoption facility. I really believe that the cat finds you and not the reverse. So, anyway, only one out of all the adoptees showed any reaction to me and after "interacting" for twenty minutes I began the adoption process and two days later brought "Maya" to her new home. Cats have such diverse and unique personalities that each is a whole new experience and comparisons to there predisessors bring back warm memories. So when you think your ready, leave your options open and look around for another little deserving friend that needs a great home like you gave Sherman. They'll find you! ;)  

Forgive me for picking and choosing which posts I respond to, I really appreciate everybody's kind thoughts and words.

I think we're gonna stay with 2 for a while, even though Bela is Dad's little girl and Sneetch just plain don't like me...maybe she'll start now.  Besides, I may be the next to become deceased if I bring another one home....that's a joke, I'm allowed, ain't I? ;D :D

La Quinta

You are. I doubt it was your breath Tim...I think he wanted to thank you for taking care and loving him for his whole life. I know how devastating it can be to lose a pet (I've lost 2).

If you need anything...don't hesitate to call.

Tracy and Bob


Sorry about your loss Tiny.  Never easy to lose a friend.  Cats are really special animals.


Quote from: Tiny Tim on November 12, 2007, 01:34:15 PM

I also got a friendly little tap from Sherman yesterday.  

I'm telling ya'll this to help with my healing process too...I hope you don't mind.
Sorry for your loss Tiny, It is hard but knowing their existance is all for the better now can be a comfort.

I would tend to side with La Quinta, Sherman was mearly touching your life once again with love and tenderness as you had touched his so many times before.  Those little gestures speaker louder than words my friend and well deserved.  Kudos to Dad as well for letting Sherman have the respect he deserved at the food can.

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