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Hail call to MANXMAN....have you ordered from these guys

Started by MallardWacker, November 28, 2007, 10:29:30 AM

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I know they are from the UK...but this cure looks interesting.

AND what is "Demerara sugar"?   I wonder if you could use like Maple Sugar instead.


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...

Tiny Tim

Quote from: MallardWacker on November 28, 2007, 10:29:30 AM

I know they are from the UK...but this cure looks interesting.

AND what is "Demerara sugar"?   I wonder if you could use like Maple Sugar instead.

Judging from the Bradley line of cures, I'd say the Demerara sugar is more like a Molasses sugar than Maple sugar.


Demerara is used as the generic name of a type of specialty raw cane sugar often used in home baking and in sweetening coffee. Demerara, sometimes spelled demerera, is normally brown in color—the natural color of cane sugar. It takes its name from the Demerara colony in Guyana, which was the original source of this type of sugar, but is produced today mainly in Mauritius.

Related types of raw sugars include Muscovado and Turbinado sugar.


Habanero Smoker

I just want to add it is process a little more then Turbinado. I often see Demerara in my local grocery stores sold under the brand names of Domino Sugar and Hain Sugar.




Others have answered the query regarding demerera sugar accurately, typically we have it in the house for sweetening coffee but I have also used it for cooking / curing.

The company you highlighted is excellent, I have bought a range of products from them including a grinder, a stuffer and they have a great range of sausage mixes, cures etc to suite all tastes.

There are two companies I use to get my dry cure bacon cures of which this is one..... the supracure is excellent and really easy to use, to date I have used it without any additions.  :)



Thanks guys... that's what I needed to know.  I have never ordered anything from the UK before...was there much "duty" on items? 

Appreciate the time.


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


Thanks for the info Manx.  I just placed an order with them and am waiting for a quote on the postage.

Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


QuoteI have never ordered anything from the UK before...was there much "duty" on items? 

Hi MW, Shipping costs are likely to be the biggest issue as Iceman and I have found out to our cost (literally) when he sent me some sauce and I sent him some kippers. Well worth the effort though.  ;) :D

If shipping costs are prohibitive then let me know and I will buy some more (have none in at the moment), then split the 2kg pack into say 2 x 1kg packs, vacuum seal and post one to you in a "jiffy" bag. That should at least enable you to try it out.

Can also send a couple of 250grm sausage mixes if you want. If it is classified as a gift there will be no duty either.

See how you get on and PM me if needs be with an address.  :)


QuoteThanks for the info Manx.  I just placed an order with them and am waiting for a quote on the postage.

Hope the shipping costs arent too bad Tom, I have been very impressed with them to date and when I wanted some advice on what grinder/stuffer to get the company owner phoned me up to offer advice then followed it up with another phone call to check I was happy!! Don't get service like that often nowadays!

Bad Flynch

MW--You can go to this site http://www.csrsugar.com.au/ViewProduct.aspx?id=7 and see the stuff and links to other kinds not often seen in the U.S.

There are several kinds/types of table sugar on the market and all of them are sucrose. However, they vary quite a bit in terms of granulation size and how much molasses is left in the product.

The Demarera/Demerera sugar, about which you ask, is likely very similar to our light brown sugar, only maybe just a little lighter. One might make an approximation by adding some pure, white, table sugar to some light brown sugar.

Even Maple Sugar is sucrose, but with Maple molasses left in for that "Maple" flavor. Other sugars follow similar patterns.

This does not apply to monosaccharides like fructose and glucose/dextrose, and other sugars that are not sucrose, such as lactose (which, like sucrose, is also a disaccharide but obtained from milk).


This place has not changed at all...such great people...you folks are the best. 

Thanks for the offer Manx...I will let you know...thanks BF for the link.  I love MAPLE sure when I cure...I know it's sugar but does it add what I am looking for.


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


QuoteThanks for the offer Manx...

You are welcome MW, just shout if you need to take it up.  ;)