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Considering an electric smoker, opinions wanted.

Started by captainkidd, January 08, 2008, 10:52:04 AM

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I realize that this is a Bradley forum and most here are going to be biased toward this product which is fine with me.

I have been BBQing on a Chargriller with side fire box for 3 years and have probably turned out 1,000 pounds of great BBQ. Mostly all slow and low butts, briskets, ribs and turkey. Due to the long hours of work involved in these delicious endeavors, I am now considering an electric.

I have posted several questions on the Cookshack site about their product (under the same name if you want to look) and thought I'd give fair shake here in regards to the Bradley. I have searched the archives and read a bunch of information about comparisons between the two but wanted to ask in my own thread how you all feel the Bradley stacks up against the Cookshack.

One of my immediate concerns when I logged in here was that a lot of the posts right on the first page were in regards to problems. Faulty biscuit movers, knobs falling off, blown breakers ect... At the Cookshack forum it was just report after glowing report about the quality, durability and great tasting products with their Cookshack smokers, hardly a mention of a mechanical failure of any kind.

So please, tell me why I should buy a Bradley instead of a Cookshack-

Thanks, Captainkidd

Tiny Tim

First off, welcome to the forum.

I've had my Bradley Smoker (Black Original) for just over a year now and am very happy with what comes out of it.  I've never done any other smoking, although have had several of the "Brinkman" type, both propane and electric, that I've always lost critical pieces to before I got around to trying to smoke anything.

My opinion of the Bradley is that it is as close to "set and forget" as you can possibly get...only way it could get easier is if it loaded and unloaded the meat and did it's own cleanup.

As for the problems, I can only give you my results, but I haven't had a problem with mine.  Yes, my bottom plate/face plate is cracked, but it is not affecting the function of the unit, and was probably my fault that it got cracked in the first place (99.999999999999999% sure on that).  But I also look at it this way.  With the ease of use, it's going to get used a lot more often than the ones that are a hassle, and with more use, the likelyhood of a part failure increases, whether it's in a smoker or any other product you use.



Welcome to the forum. Never used a Cookshack, so cannot compare. Did have a Weber bullet, but was a pain feeding charcoal and wood chips in. I like the Bradley for ease of use (I have the Original). Very reliable for me.

You may see a lot of posts (pros and cons) around this time due to Christmas presents being opened. For those with problems, Bradley customer service is quite good in the view of many here.



I have had several smokers including the charcoal brinkman (PIA, pain in ...) and another electric that used a hot plate and a bowl full of sawdust.  The charcoal speaks for itself with regard to long and low stress smokes, simply doesnt happen. 

The second electric utilized a pan full of sawdust as the smoke source.  The major problem was heat management.  In the initial smoke stages, it was necessary to crank up the heat on the burner as the sawdust began to smolder.  When the sawdust began to take and smolder, less heat was required, and as it was consumed, baby, you had better have one hand on the throttle or your meal is a briquette.

I found the bradley and gladly jumped ship to set it and forget it.  I modified on a circulating fan and an inexpensive heat controller, primarily because I cant keep my hands to myself, not for lack of performance.  Now I can plug 30 lbs of butt in overnight and sleep like a baby (too many beers not withstanding).

just my opinion.



I have had many many smokers including cookshack (garbage)
3 Bradleys and still going strong. I even had a Klose which i paid over $2000 for, good if you like to keep tending too.

My smokette had a heater malfunction within the 1st year, Also i didnt like the vent hole? It was just a conduit connector  ??? and i was getting black gunk dripping from it onto my food YUCKO



Smoking Duck

Captain Kidd,

Welcome to the forum.

Let me share with you my points of view as someone who was an extreme newbie when it came to smoking.  The most experience I had with smoking foods was purchasing the food at a bbq joint.  I did some checking around and talked to many people who had all types of smokers.  I made what I considered was a relatively in-depth decision based on the pros and cons I weighed out and what I was trying to accomplish.

I could not have been any happier with the decision I made.  The Bradley (I have the digital) has made me go from someone who had never smoked before in his life to someone who is considered a great smoker by friends and family all in a span of about 45 days max.  They cannot tell that I am relatively inexperienced in smoking foods because of the way the Bradley does its job.  I have yet to be disappointed in any of the smokes I've done.

Is the Bradley prone to breaking down?  I'm sure it does just like any other mechanical device that's being produced today.  However, since I bought my Bradley, I've averaged about 3 smokes per week and I've yet to have a problem with mine.  Others have had problems no doubt but what I do know is that the customer service with Bradley is excellent.  There are many companies who could learn about customer service from Bradley.  My one complain about my Bradley is that on the digital, you have a max time of 9 hours and 40 minutes at which to set the oven.  However, that is easily solved by either resetting the timer when you change the water bowl after the smoke is done or utilizing a PID.  I'm having a PID built and then I truly believe that I will have what is probably the most set and forget method of smoking available.  With my work schedule and having children, it sure does come in handy to have something that doesn't require much attention and yet still puts out incredible smoked foods.

For myself, I like the fact that I don't have to tend to the smoker every hour or couple of hours (especially when doing an 18 hour smoke) when I'm sleeping or busy with my family.  I guess it all comes down to what's important to you.  Me, I want great smoked foods and the ability to do that and still spend time with my family.  To me, it's a no-brainer; the Bradley does that for me.  There are many ways to get good smoked foods....how you get there is entirely up to you.  If I had it to do over again, I'd still make the decision I've made.  

Best of luck in your decision.


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Welcome to the forum and thank you for honestly asking for our opinion.  I get the impression you are sincere in your quest for information so I am willing to wade into this thread.  I have owned several different smokers over the years from a Brinkman charcoal fired bullet to an Oklahoma Joe's offset smoker that was so heavy that Sam's Club had to load it in my truck with a forklift.  I think I am somewhat qualified to respond to your request for information.  While I am not all familair with the Cookshack, I know that the Bradley is the easiest, simplest, most consistent smoker I have ever used.  Having said all that, the absolute best thing about owning a Bradley is the very forum that you found your way to.  These guys welcomed me with open arms.  They answered all my stupid questions without making me feel like an idiot.  They are a great bunch of guys and gals.  You will make the choice that you think suits you best.  I guarantee these guys will welcome whatever choice you make and will still welcome you when you visit our forum.

All the best and I hope to welcome you as the newest Bradley owner very soon,


Quote from: KyNola on January 08, 2008, 07:46:47 PM
They are a great bunch of guys and gals.


Remember, I am one of the few dogs on the internet and this forum.   :D



Quote from: NePaSmoKer on January 08, 2008, 06:13:19 PM
I have had many many smokers including cookshack (garbage)
3 Bradleys and still going strong. I even had a Klose which i paid over $2000 for, good if you like to keep tending too.

My smokette had a heater malfunction within the 1st year, Also i didnt like the vent hole? It was just a conduit connector  ??? and i was getting black gunk dripping from it onto my food YUCKO


Could you elaborate on why you feel the Cookshack was garbage? Was it because the heater went bad in less than a year? How did the company address the problem. I only ask because you are the first person I have heard say the Cookshack was not good quality. Thanks for the input.


Quote from: KyNola on January 08, 2008, 07:46:47 PM
Welcome to the forum and thank you for honestly asking for our opinion.  I get the impression you are sincere in your quest for information so I am willing to wade into this thread.  I have owned several different smokers over the years from a Brinkman charcoal fired bullet to an Oklahoma Joe's offset smoker that was so heavy that Sam's Club had to load it in my truck with a forklift.  I think I am somewhat qualified to respond to your request for information.  While I am not all familair with the Cookshack, I know that the Bradley is the easiest, simplest, most consistent smoker I have ever used.  Having said all that, the absolute best thing about owning a Bradley is the very forum that you found your way to.  These guys welcomed me with open arms.  They answered all my stupid questions without making me feel like an idiot.  They are a great bunch of guys and gals.  You will make the choice that you think suits you best.  I guarantee these guys will welcome whatever choice you make and will still welcome you when you visit our forum.

All the best and I hope to welcome you as the newest Bradley owner very soon,

Thanks for the welcome and the opinion on the Bradley. I'm wanting to consider all options before pulling the trigger on a smoker that could cost from $200 to over $3,000 depending on what I choose.


Hi and welcome captainkidd, i must say i looked into buying a Cookshack a while back, but i'm from the u.k., so i don't think they're available in 240volt, and i don't think they ship to this side of the pond?

Anyway, i thought they looked very well made, but obviously i can't comment on how reliable, or what the quality is like as i haven't owned or used one. The thing i did notice was the high price of the units  :o
Ok, some might say that you get what you pay for etc, but luckily for me, i discovered the Bradley, now this is how i see it............. My original Bradley smoker, was very reasonably priced, it is very reliable, has real ease of use, and churns out fantastic smoked/bbq'd food week in, week out!  ;)

I would bet it produces results as good as, if not better than the Cookshack?, and is much cheaper to buy

Sure some Bradleys go wrong here and there, but the customer service is second to none!, so there really is only one choice imo.

Anyway, good luck with whatever you choose

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Quote from: LilSmoker on January 09, 2008, 09:35:23 AM
Hi and welcome captainkidd, i must say i looked into buying a Cookshack a while back, but i'm from the u.k., so i don't think they're available in 240volt, and i don't think they ship to this side of the pond?

Anyway, i thought they looked very well made, but obviously i can't comment on how reliable, or what the quality is like as i haven't owned or used one. The thing i did notice was the high price of the units  :o
Ok, some might say that you get what you pay for etc, but luckily for me, i discovered the Bradley, now this is how i see it............. My original Bradley smoker, was very reasonably priced, it is very reliable, has real ease of use, and churns out fantastic smoked/bbq'd food week in, week out!  ;)

I would bet it produces results as good as, if not better than the Cookshack?, and is much cheaper to buy

Sure some Bradleys go wrong here and there, but the customer service is second to none!, so there really is only one choice imo.

Anyway, good luck with whatever you choose


Thank you for taking the time to give a report. Happy to hear that you have had such a good experience.


Welcome to the forum.  Bradley is my first electric smoker.  I have not had any problems with it.  The price is right and even if something did break on it, the parts are low cost as well.  Customer service is second to none from what I have been told.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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La Quinta

Hi Kidd...I am one of those that posted an issue with my smoke generator...but ya know what??? I wouldn't trade this little gem in for anything. I too, have had many smokers before, but this smoker is a winner. Hell, I bought one for my Mom, who taught me how to smoke  in the first place!!! My generator problem seems to be solved with some idiot ingenuity...like I cleaned it out...and got a lot of advice from these fine members here! I guess I like this forum because people ask questions if they have problems (like I did) and you get help... and... viola...it's fixed!!! And if not...Bradley is great on customer care! Good luck in making your decision!!!


Quote from: La Quinta on January 09, 2008, 09:01:06 PM
...and got a lot of advice from these fine members here!

Whoa! Looks like this dog on the internet will have to get a flea bath!   :D