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Bradley vs. Cookshack vs. Smokin Tex ??

Started by KYFLYGUY, December 31, 2003, 03:40:21 PM

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Hi, I am looking for some advice. I want to buy an (electric) smoker. I have done some smokin (don't laugh) on a brinkmann gas unit over the years and I'm ready to take the next step. Saw this Bradley in Cabela's Loks Great. Problem is I have searched on the web for reviews and have found that forums on Cookshack and Home BBQ slam the Bradley. (Please,don't shoot the messenger) Has anyone owed or used a Cookshack or smokin tex and how does the Bradley stand up?

Thanks for your help and Happy New Year! KYFLYGUGY


Hmmm, this might be interesting!! I've not heard anything of the Cookshack and Home BBQ Smokers and have not paid any attention to them so can't really "slam" them... I've had a Bradley for two months now and have smoked 6 batches, Jerky,(fish and beef) Chicken, Salmon and Steelhead, every batch has turned out great, maybe the other brands of smokers would have turned out as well, but, even though the bisquetts are a little pricey I like the idea of the Bradley burn system, it's lightweight, easy to clean and I can smoke 8 racks of fish or jerky witch is a heck of a lot of smoked product! So far I'm very happy with my Bradley.  This Forum has been very helpful and I'm sure you will get several responses from your post... Good luck in which ever unit you buy. [;)]


I browsed the Cookshack forum a bit before choosing the B.S. Seems like the negative opinions about the Bradley are as follows:

1) Bisquettes are too expensive.
2) It ain't made in 'merica. [:D]
3) Bradley customer service is worse than Cookshack.
4) It doesn't have thermostatically controlled heat.

Of the above, #4 is the only one I care about. Also, you have to consider the source: if you ask opinionated Cookshack owners what they think of Bradley, what would you expect them to say? The tone I get from many of the posts there is that they're the sort of people you smile and nod politely to and then ignore, but that's just me. It's like going to a Corvette forum and asking for advice on buying a Porsche. They don't know, they don't care, and they dislike you just a bit for asking. [:p]

The bisquettes are the key selling feature of the B.S. It's a significant advantage and made my decision easier. I guess if I lived in a log cabin on the side of a wooded mountain, I'd have different priorities.


I do not own a Bradley, Cookshack, or Smokin Tex as of yet. But I have been looking at them and a lot more different ones. I have been researching several models and I must say that the Cookshack forum and the folks there are very kind and helpful. They will answer any question asked whether you own a CS, Bradley,Weber, ect, and yes they do like their product. To say that the Cookshack owners are the type of people to smile,nod politely at then ignore really is not truthfull. Actually it is the most "stuck up"  statement I have read on any of these BBQ message boards. And I do not feel that the poster who thinks 'Merica is a [:D] matter. I for one do not. I do not post this in anger, or do I have any malice to the poster who said these things. I will just smile, nod politely and will research some more.


I just went threw the process of looking for a good smoker.My B.S. is being delivered today.I'm new to Bradley's but not to smokin.I was using a converted old refrigerator.The deciding factor for me was the smoke system.Every time the door is opened huge amounts of heat & smoke are lost.With the Bradley (and a remote thermometer) the product can smoke long & slow without ever opening the door.

Chez Bubba


As our neighbor to the south, welcome to the forum. I've never owned a Cookshack because they've always seemed chinsey to me. I've never heard of a Smokin Tex, I might be out of the loop.

My buddy & I have been smokin' for over 20 years using virtually every type of smoker available. When we first tried the Bradley, we thought it was so great we decided to become dealers. The convenience factor blows all competitors away.

The cost of smoking is basically $1.00 per hour, plus electricity. I think you will find that equivalent to any other method, unless you're using an all wood-fired pit, in which case it would be much more.

Regarding the thermostat control, no, you can't set it to "210 degrees" & have it maintain exactly that. But after a couple times of use, you will know exactly where to position the knob to keep the temp you want. You just have to get a feel for it, after that it's gravy.

Bradley's customer service is in my opinion, better than average, but certainly not stellar. That's why we've decided to make it our mission to be better. Feel free to call us or email any questions, we'll do our best to answer. Unlike most Bradley dealers, we actually use the product, stock smokers, bisquettes, accessories & most parts, and are happy to talk smokin' with anyone who has the inclination.

Hope this helped,

Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Chez Bubba</i>
<br />KYFG,

As our neighbor to the south, welcome to the forum. I've never owned a Cookshack because they've always seemed chinsey to me. I've never heard of a Smokin Tex, I might be out of the loop.

My buddy & I have been smokin' for over 20 years using virtually every type of smoker available. When we first tried the Bradley, we thought it was so great we decided to become dealers. The convenience factor blows all competitors away.

The cost of smoking is basically $1.00 per hour, plus electricity. I think you will find that equivalent to any other method, unless you're using an all wood-fired pit, in which case it would be much more.

Regarding the thermostat control, no, you can't set it to "210 degrees" & have it maintain exactly that. But after a couple times of use, you will know exactly where to position the knob to keep the temp you want. You just have to get a feel for it, after that it's gravy.

Bradley's customer service is in my opinion, better than average, but certainly not stellar. That's why we've decided to make it our mission to be better. Feel free to call us or email any questions, we'll do our best to answer. Unlike most Bradley dealers, we actually use the product, stock smokers, bisquettes, accessories & most parts, and are happy to talk smokin' with anyone who has the inclination.

Hope this helped,

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">It's good to here you say that Chez-Bubba, because I bought my B.S. from you and will probably have some questions as I go along

Chez Bubba

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Bassman</i>
It's good to here you say that Chez-Bubba, because I bought my B.S. from you and will probably have some questions as I go along
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Bring it on Jack, that's why we're here![8D]

Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Hey Guys, Thanks for the replies! Hope everyone had a good holiday. Sooo from what I'm hearing is that the Bradley electric element DOES turn on and off by temperature it just does not have temperature/number markings on the control knob and thus if you use a remote thermometer you can maintain temperature by remembering your settings? Best Regards, Kyflyguy

Chez Bubba

Yes and no. It is a simple rheostat. So technically, yes position "x" would always give "y" degrees. But, ambient temperature will affect that. Position "x" may yield "y" degrees in the summer but "z" degrees in the winter.

But again, after a few times of use, you'll get the hang of it.

Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Not new to smoking, but new to Bradley, having used mine for about a year now. Prior smokers were refrigerators, an actual cedar smoke house, and Little Chiefs. Smoked livestock, game, and fish. I can state with conviction that the Bradley is about convenience and reliability. I have made so many mistakes with over brining, over smoking, under smoking, under brining, and over heating over the last year...all my own fault....and NOT ONE batch has turned out unedible. In fact I sent some "utility salmon out to friends to see if it was too dry and received rave reviews back, go figger!.....I'm convinced that I'd have to go out of my way to ruin a batch of fish in the Bradley. I've no experience at all with either the Cookshack or the Smokin Tex, but I'm a believer in stayin with a good thing. In fact, I'm buying my second Bradley this week!! (Note to Chez Bubba....it's a used one from a private individual....$150, used once and includes 4 boxes of 36 pucks....WOW!  If I was going new, it would DEFINITELY be from Chez Bubba!)[:D]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


I've had my B.S. for about six months now and have smoked everything from fish, ribs, briskets and pork and I have to say I love it. Just my opinion.


I complained to Bradley about the knob for the temperature contol. Basically it fell off the first time I used it. It's in a bit of a bad spot down at the bottom on the front, if you aren't careful when you put it away you could bump it ant it falls off.

After I complained they not only sent a new knob they sent me the whole temperature slider control with the knob, not too shabby.

Only time I wish I had a thermostat is when you put on a batch, load up the biscuits then go out, wlast time I came back it was reading over 200ยบ!

You soon learn though that when you first load it up you crank it to max, then just check every 30 minutes or so, as the meat inside gets warm you'll need to turn it down.


My B.S. smoke generator had a problem and they sent me a new one no ques. asked and said I could keep the old one for spare parts. I recieved the new generator in 5 business days in the Southeastern U.S.
I also didnt no where my BS was purchased from because it was a gift.

Excellent customer service, I'd say.