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Trouble With The Neighbours?

Started by EnglishGuy, February 06, 2008, 01:09:42 PM

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Just a quick question from a newbie.  Just how far from the house do you position your smoker?

In England, we only have small houses, and they're all bunched together real close. So, obviously, if you don't want to upset the neighbours, you would leave the smoker some distance from the house so that you don't upset the neighbours. In winter, it isn't so much of a problem as everyone has their windows shut, but come Summer, how far away from the house would you place it so that it isn't a problem and doesn't become intrusive in the house.

So, a quick poll. How far do you place your smoker from the house?

Tiny Tim

Well, I won't be much help, but mine sits right up beside my house on the East side, closest neighbor to the smoker is also on the East side, about 25 feet away.  Only has one window on the side facing ours, and I've never seen it open.


I have my smokers in a smoke house 20 feet from the bedroom and still catch a wif of smoke once in awhile. I guess it just depends which way the wind blows. My neighbors never smell the smoke but always seem to sense when things come out of the smoker and show up. Must be a seventh sense thing just after my sixth sense of knowing when the boss lady is coming after me for something I did. :o :D ;)


My smoker is about 10 feet away from my neighbor's window with some bushes in between. She has never complained. I am done with the smoke part by 10:00 AM and the smoke is pleasant to smell unlike the smell of burning rubbish.



Yes, I smoked some cheese tonight, and the smoker was about 15ft back from the house, and about 20ft from the next door neighbour's house.  I had the door slighly ajar because I don't have an outside socket, and the cable had to come through the back door. I was getting a whiff of smoke inside, but as you say, it isn't an unpleasant smell, just a bit pervasive. I don't think most people object to the smell of woodsmoke as long as it isn't too strong.

I figure that next time I smoke, I'll run it off the mains from the garage which is about 30ft from the neighbours. I have another yard, but that is across the way, over the drive, and it would be at risk of being stolen (as it is open down there and there are too many people walking along the street).


My Bradley and a small electric homemade unit are on the back deck. My larger homemade unit is about 100 ft from the deck, Only reason I put it there is so I do not need to mow around it.


I think my neighbors are starting to realize that a fragrant smoke smell is an invitation.   ;D  If you share the goods, I think they'll be less inclined to be offended and more likely will show up on your doorstep with some beverages to share. 

La Quinta

I'm with Consigs...smoke a bunch and invite them over! (But make EM BRING BEER!!) :)


I have some friends who seem to be able to smell smoke from 6 blocks away on a Sunday.  The phone rings and they ask "what are you smoking today?". ;D  Some just "happen" to be driving by.  Yeah right.



Ky: If they're driving by, ask them if they happened to be out bourbon shopping.  Heck, my block is a two-way street.   ;)


Well i'm also from accross the pond, but i'm lucky as the front and one side of my house is surrounded by farmland. So the smoke is never a problem, however last year i took my BS to my brothers place for a birthday feast, and he lives in quite a built up community, but we just put the BS on his patio and let it do it's thing without any complaints from neighbours  ;D

Having said that, i really suppose it depends on how windy the weather is, but nowdays i use my BS in the garage with the window open if the weather's bad, and there's no problems with smoke whafting at all.
Although my garage now smells like a well seasoned smokehouse!, but that doesn't bother me  ;)

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Mine is very close to the house.  The only problem I have is with the wife- she is pregnant and some smells bother her.

Unfortunately right now one of them is smoke.


My smoker smolders about 5 feet from my bedroom window so I can see the PID temps during the wee hours.  I do most of the actual smoke between 12am and 6am then after that is smokeless cook time so neighbors are not a problem.  Plus, the punk next door ought not to complain about the smell of applewood and a butt nearing perfection, as the crap I put up with from his side of the fence doesn't even compare with the smoke smell.

Interesting enough, the city passed an ordinance concerning "firepits".  Portable, i.e. grills, ceramic fire containers, tiki torches etc are ok for use.  The Bradley fits nicely into this category.  Permanent setups like those outdoor wood, pellet and corn burning stoves are not allowed and this includes a shed I was wanting to build and use as a mega smoker.  This was passed due to neighbor complaints of smoke through out the city, so this post is a valid concern.

A well used minimum suffices for everything -- Phileas Fogg


Patience, Glad to see you didn't post that with all the restrictions, they still allow leaf burning in the fall.  I suspect fire places are still allowed to roar.
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smokin stu

Funny how neighbours develop an instinct for when food comes out of the smoker.  I have asked my next door neighbour and he says it is not an issue in the least.  That clean light wood smoke smell every now and then is much better than the neighbours on the other side who throw big whoopin' parties most weekends.

I have been concerned about neighbours not liking the smoke but have been smoking for three years now and no issues at all.  Fedding them every now and then helps I think.