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Pleasure Island and Owrstrich

Started by car54, February 26, 2008, 02:22:07 PM

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I believe that I finally understand the relationship between Owrstrich, aliens and donkeys. It is all in Pinocchio. Owrstrich is an alien that sends people to Pleasure Island where the turn it to donkeys.


The segment from Pleasure Island is, like much of Pinocchio, a tale of morality. The boys who are taken to the island go voluntarily with the promise of fun and unlimited freedom. While on the island, the children are encouraged to commit acts of vandalism, fight, drink alcohol, smoke cigars, and gamble - all things that good little boys are not supposed to do.

The transformation into a donkey is not instantaneous. When boys arrive on the island, they remain human for some time before showing any signs of the curse changing them. The first indication is braying replacing the boy's normal laughter, followed by the growth of donkey ears and a tail. The head, and extremities come next, after which the boy is then forced into a quadrupedal stance. The final notable change is losing the ability to speak. Before the donkeys leave Pleasure Island, they are checked to make sure they have lost their ability to vocalize, which signifies they are fully transformed.

Be carefully when your in his presence.



YIKESSSSSSS!!!! Ann already says I'm a Jack--s. I fear the next step could only mean one thing.
Hee Haw reruns!!! :D ;D ;)


Hee Haw reruns, That's great Iceman. I forgot about that show. 



Barbi Benton, Gunella(sp?) Hutton, Lisa Todd :o...ahh, memories of my youth. Hated the show,(actually, it was the country music I hated) loved the women. If you watched tv at my (parents) house on Saturday night, you watched Hee Haw.

La Quinta


Quote from: La Quinta on February 26, 2008, 07:15:55 PM

That was 10 point bonus question on a test in High School.

Got to agree with Ontrack on the selection of youthfull mamories.   
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Yes Hee Haw, forgot bout that one. :D :D
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"



i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


Giddy up ya all. Nice pics O. Guy down the street has a mule and it does the 6 oclock wake up on weekends. Just love it! Beats car horns and jet noise!